Former DoD officials told the House Armed Services Committee that most of the Senate's reforms to the Pentagon are a good idea.
Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley wants brigades that can pivot from training U.S. partners to training new recruits in a catastrophic situation.
A top Department of Homeland Security official thinks 2017 is the big year for cybersecurity investment.
Frank Kendall, the Pentagon’s acquisition chief, said Tuesday that he’s comfortable with a package of procurement reforms the House Armed Services Committee passed two weeks ago, largely because the final bill took a step back from strict language that would have required DoD to use modular open architectures on all of its major weapons systems.
The first estimates of the savings realized from the House's plan to reform TRICARE come in around $7 billion.
Despite calls that Carter’s Defense reforms aren’t exactly daring, experts said they are a move in the right direction.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter revealed a handful of reforms aimed at bringing the Defense Department into the 21st century.
As the Defense Department mulls over a bigger role for the Joint Staff, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that role won't grow the size of the organization.
DoD says BRAC would bring big savings in a time when it's facing big budget shortfalls if sequestration returns.
The Navy is reviewing its acquisition processes to reduce complexity and give contracting officers more time to talk to industry in developing requirements.
The Defense Department builds economic assumptions and cost savings into its budget, but when those savings are too optimistic it hurts critical programs.
One-year emergency budget spending won't cut it when it comes to modernizing and training the Army, members of the Future of the Army Commission told Congress.
The Defense budget prioritized research and development and cyber, but that doesn't mean the third offset strategy is getting a lot of money in 2017.
Fiscal 2017 may be the beginning of a funding gap between what the Defense Department needs and what it can be allocated unless Congress can fix the budget.
Defense analysts think the National Commission on the Future of the Army could have been bolder in its recommendations.