Commerce Department

  • Sen. Richard Burr (R.-N.C.) introduced legislation forming the Commerce and Workforce Department using recommendations of GAO and the deficit commission. Thirty-five offices would be consolidated into 12 and funding of seven programs or initiatives would be reduced or eliminated.

    May 27, 2011
  • Commerce CIO Simon Szykman explains how the role of the bureau CIO is different from a department CIO.

    May 16, 2011
  • A new Commerce Department website aims to give schools, libraries and job training centers the tools to help teach computer and Internet skills to Americans who are new to the Net.

    May 16, 2011
  • Your agency is consolidating data centers, but you might run into a few problems along the way. The Commerce Department has closed six. Simon Szykman, CIO for Commerce, explains how to make this consolidation process as smooth as possible.

    May 03, 2011
  • FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski could replace Gary Locke as Secretary of Commerce, sources tell The Hill.

    March 08, 2011
  • Federal News Radio surveyed 10 agencies to find out how they are preparing for a shutdown, and how operating under a continuing resolution is affecting their operations.

    March 03, 2011
  • With shutdown threats coming and going and coming again, morale is down across the federal landscape. If a shutdown were to happen, furloughed feds couldn\'t even hide themselves in their work! We get details from Patent & Trademark\'s CFO, Tony Scardino.

    March 03, 2011
  • Newly cross-trained Commerce staff working in existing local department offices are beginning to assist Chicago area businesses in collaboration with state and local partners. We get details from Commerce\'s Dennis Alvord.

    February 15, 2011
  • Caring for the families of military personnel requires a coordinated approach across the federal government, President Obama said Monday. He said agencies have made 50 separate commitments to coordinate programs designed to assist the loved ones of servicemembers.

    January 25, 2011
  • The Commerce Department and the National Institute of Standards and Technology are trying to figure out what the federal government’s role in cloud computing should be. The agencies are hosting a panel discussion Tuesday with industry leaders and experts from academia to discuss this as well as other national needs. A media advisory from the [...]

    January 23, 2011
  • If you want a preview of coming attractions in your own agency, check out what is happening in the giant US Postal Service. It is looking at a major cutback of administrative personnel, consolidating post offices and relocating employees, not to mention possible pay and benefit changes. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you could be next.

    January 19, 2011
  • An internet ID for Americans would be different from a national ID card... or would it?

    January 10, 2011
  • White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt announced the formation of the National Program Office to manage the administration\'s plan to enhance security in cyberspace. The new office will align government standards with industry innovation to create a safer online environment.

    January 10, 2011
  • The Dept. of Commerce calls for consideration of a new set of principles - A \"Privacy Bill of Rights\". National Telecommunications and Information Administration\'s Daniel Weitzner explains the move.

    January 07, 2011