
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks to an outgoing congressman who has been a loyal supporter of federal employees.

    October 29, 2014
  • ANDREW TAYLOR Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — A maverick Republican senator criticized faulty missile defenses, unneeded airports and golf course repairs among the projects completed on the taxpayers’ tab in his annual collection of billions…

    October 22, 2014
  • Jenny Mattingley hosts a wide-ranging roundtable discussion of congressional ethics. October 17, 2014

    October 17, 2014
  • Congress has repeatedly tried to eliminate the problem of defense acquisition programs that cost more than they're supposed to and take too long to deliver. After several decades of attempts, it might be time to admit that lawmakers can't solve all of the Pentagon's purchasing problems. As part of our special report, The Missing Pieces of Procurement Reform, Federal News Radio's Jared Serbu explains.

    October 16, 2014
  • Jessica Klement, legislative director for the National Active and Retired Federal Employees association, joins host Mike Causey for a look at how members of Congress voted on legislation that matters to feds. October 15, 2014

    October 15, 2014
  • Feds won't need to consult tea leaves or gaze into a crystal ball to see what Congress congress has in store for them next year. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it will be the same old, same old again.

    October 15, 2014
  • Next month, 399 representatives and 28 senators seek re-election. That means federal employees can oversee and grade the people who oversee and grade their agencies. The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association releases its annual scorecard in time for the election. It keeps tabs on the 113th Congress and how it votes on key legislation affecting federal employees. Jessica Klement, legislative director of NARFE, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about some of those key votes.

    October 14, 2014
  • The practices and procedures for how the federal government procures goods and services did not happen overnight. They were established by multiple pieces of legislation over many decades.

    October 14, 2014
  • In a letter to leaders in the House and Senate tax commitees, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen reminded Congress of the importance to make a firm decision on whether to extend a mass-transit subsidy before November.

    October 10, 2014
  • Michael Daniel, the White House cyber coordinator, said the administration believes getting cyber legislation through Congress on small pieces is more likely to be successful than in one comprehensive bill. Legislation to update FISMA, to improve information sharing and to expand the workforce all have garnered bi-partisan support.

    October 10, 2014
  • The drone fleet at Customs and Border Protection isn't big, but the law states that very strict oversight from the Homeland Security Department and CBP is important. Rebecca Gambler is director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues at the Government Accountability Office. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she said Congress mandated a look at CBP's drone program.

    October 07, 2014
  • Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) is the leading force behind a bill that would reduce redundant or unnecessary reports by federal agencies. The 2014 Government Reports Elimination Act would modify or eliminate more than 50 reports that agencies produce annually for Congress. That bill has made its way through both the House and the Senate. Warner spoke with Tom Temin on the Federal Drive about the bill and the pressing issues Congress faces when it comes back after the November midterm elections.

    October 03, 2014
  • Vermont and Rhode Island lawmakers were among those in Congress who consistently voted in favor of federal workers and retirees, according to the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association's latest scorecard.

    October 02, 2014
  • OMB and Treasury are creating a roadmap on how to move forward with DATA Act implementation over the next 12 to 36 months. Meanwhile, congressional and executive branch auditors are part of the oversight process from the beginning.

    October 01, 2014