defense budget

Defense counterintelligence, budget, Congress Defense, pentagon, science & technology

Top appropriators push to increase Pentagon’s budget

Appropriators say the budget caps are “unreasonable and unrealistic.” Now they want to get around them to boost the Pentagon budget.

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(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)FILE - This April 19, 2019 file photo shows a sign for the Department of Defense at the Pentagon in Washington. The Biden administration’s nominee for top Pentagon policy adviser was met with sharp criticism from Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday, including accusations that he has been too partisan to be confirmed for the job. Colin Kahl, who served as national security adviser to then-Vice President Joe Biden during the Obama administration, faced repeated questions on his previous support for the Iran nuclear deal and how he would approach that issue now. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Passing 2025 defense spending bill will be ‘particularly difficult’

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