Commands and agencies throughout the Defense Department have identified the precise civilian jobs they intend to eliminate or restructure under a Pentagon initiative to cut back layers of administration.
Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, racked up some frequent flier miles recently as he traveled from New York City to speak for the first time at the United Nations and then on to Vatican City to tour St. Peter's Basilica. While there, he spoke to members of the U.S. Military Seminary program.
In the first “Hack the Pentagon” challenge, the department asked anyone with expertise in IT security to find security flaws on five of its largest public-facing websites, including the homepage.
The Obama administration has already voiced its objections to the major reshuffling of DoD’s organizational chart the Senate proposed in its version of this year’s Defense authorization bill.
Four years after launching the General Fund Enterprise Business System, Project Manager Col. Matt Russell said that most users in the organization have fully adopted it, and it’s time to focus on upgrades.
Being on GAO's high-risk list isn't meant to be a life sentence for agencies and programs. The list is a way to encourage agencies to take improvement actions on their own and lead by example.
The Defense Department has spent the last seven years getting itself ready for its first-ever financial audit. But the congressionally-mandated timeline for DoD to become “audit ready” means a new administration will have taken office before the final test.
Common access cards work. They get you on the network. They open gates and doors. But DoD CIO Terry Halvorsen is right. It's time for them to go.
A new report from a Washington-based think tank points to an ever-widening disconnect between the size of the Defense Department’s Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) fund and the troop levels it was originally meant to pay for.
Decision day on those proposed $40,000 federal buyouts is approaching and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there's lots more than bigger buyouts on the congressional shopping list.
The blended retirement system for those exiting a military career goes into effect in 2018. It substitutes future annuity levels with matching funds in the Thrift Savings Plan. Even before the plan goes into effect, the Pentagon is monkeying with it, and that's got the ire of retired officers. Retired Marine Corps Col. James Sweeney, president of the Reserve Officers Association, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer his insight.
The Defense Department decides to reject a recent audit's recommendation to reduce the housing allowance benefits for dual military couples.
After slow start, the Defense Digital Service is now working on projects ranging from GPS to travel reimbursements.
Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced sweeping changes to DoD's personnel system for both military officers and civilian employees, saying it needs more flexibility to control military promotions and to hire qualified civil servants.
The policy package the House Armed Services Committee’s Defense bill includes several measures meant to address hazing. Congress and the Government Accountability Office both say DoD hasn’t done enough to track and punish behavior that…