defense spending

  • Ashton Carter, the Defense Department\'s undersecretary for acquisitions, said the Pentagon can buy things quickly when it truly needs to. But when it comes to supporting overseas contingency operations, he said the country needs a dedicated, permanent \"fast lane\" that leapfrogs DoD\'s notoriously slow methods of buying goods and services.

    March 29, 2011
  • The Army and Marine Corps are both in the early phases of deploying logistics accountability systems that will replace a collection of disconnected, stovepiped IT systems and processes that have grown up since the 1960s. Though the systems share the same objective, they were made by different vendors, prompting questions from one member of Congress.

    March 22, 2011
  • Military personnel would not be subject to a furlough in the event of a government shutdown, according to guidance prepared by the Defense Department as a contingency plan. The memo, drafted earlier this month, gives broad overarching guidance to military departments and agencies who would have discretion to determine what activities would and would not be exempted from a shutdown.

    March 15, 2011
  • The Defense Department\'s efficiencies initiative isn\'t just about internal DoD processes, the Army\'s acquisition chief said Wednesday. The service wants its vendors to help find ways to reduce costs and take on risk in the process, he said.

    March 10, 2011
  • The Defense and Energy departments will team up on a pair of multimillion dollar research projects. The goal is to give the military access to secure, reliable renewable energy, both in deployed units and on military bases.

    March 07, 2011
  • The chairman and the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services committee are determined to find a near-term way to pass a Defense Department budget, and not merely a continuing resolution, for fiscal year 2011, the panel\'s top Democrat said Tuesday.

    March 02, 2011
  • The Navy is alerting servicemembers that operating under continuing resolution funding levels in its manpower and personnel accounts will lead to orders to new duty stations on much shorter notice.

    February 23, 2011
  • Leaders of the Joint Forces Command in Virginia are planning to meet with contractors this week discuss what the command\'s closure will mean for their businesses. If all goes according to plan, the lights will be turned out at JFCOM for the final time in a little more than a year.

    February 22, 2011
  • The Defense Department\'s deputy chief financial officer said Friday that the department believes it will achieve the 2017 deadline to produce auditable financial statements. DoD is approaching the problem in way that makes clear that clean books are not only the responsibility of its accountants, he said.

    February 21, 2011
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said repeatedly over recent weeks that operating the Defense Department under 2010 funding levels represented a \"crisis on my doorstep.\" Several Defense spending critics said the assessment was overblown.

    February 16, 2011
  • With all the cuts, can the Defense Department meet the mission, and which contractors will be feeling the bite? We ask defense contracting expert, Jim McAleese.

    February 15, 2011
  • Continuing to operate at 2010 funding levels under a continuing resolution would be a crisis for the military, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday. He made the remarks at a briefing detailing DoD\'s proposed budget for 2012.

    February 15, 2011
  • Gen. Ray Odierno, the commander of the soon to be shuttered Joint Forces Command said Wednesday that the vast majority of jobs lost in JFCOM\'s closure would be contracted positions. Most of the command\'s civilian and uniformed billets will be moved into a newly-created two-star command or transferred to individual military services.

    February 09, 2011
  • A directive signed this week by the secretary of the Army requires high-level review and analysis of any proposal to insource contracting functions. Outside groups have accused DoD of insourcing workers based on arbitrary quotas.

    February 04, 2011