The Homeland Security Department is pushing the continuous diagnostics and mitigation program to the cutting edge. CDM is just over a year old, but DHS is already reviewing new cyber technologies to include in the contract. John Streufert, director of Federal Network Resilience at the National Protection and Programs Directorate in DHS, tells Federal News Radio's Executive Editor Jason Miller how the Leap Ahead program is ensuring agencies get the latest and greatest cyber tools.
The Government Accountability Office says the Citizenship and Immigration Services directorate should reevaluate USIS to determine if it's indeed a responsible contractor in light of allegations of defrauding the government and an investigation by the Justice Department on those charges.
The Government Accountability Office says the Citizenship and Immigration Services directorate should reevaluate USIS to determine if it's indeed a responsible contractor in light of allegations of defrauding the government and an investigation by the Justice Department on those charges.
Jeff Neal, senior vice president at ICF International, and Keith Trippie, chief executive officer of the Trippie Group, count down the week's top stories with Francis Rose.
The churn among federal CIOs and others in the IT community has been uncommonly high over the last year.
Jeff Neal, former DHS Chief Human Capital Officer Jeff Neal, asks whether hiring managers should use the "rule of three" when considering applications from disabled veterans.
Andy Ozment, assistant secretary of the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications in DHS, said the CDM, Einstein and Enhance Cybersecurity Services programs are on the upswing in terms of impact and number of users. Ozment said there are no delays with CDM, and the Einstein intrusion detection and prevention software covers 25 percent of all federal employees.
The Homeland Security Department has new orders from the Office of Management and Budget to scan certain agency networks. That's on top of a set of cyber initiatives DHS is working on, which is already pretty long. Andy Ozment, assistant secretary of the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications in the Homeland Security Department, tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller how DHS will accomplish all of these cyber goals to make federal networks safer.
When it comes to catching child predators, speed is often law enforcement's most important requirement. That's why a mobile app can help. The Operation Predator App, developed at the Homeland Security Department, has already proved successful. One suspect was apprehended less than 36 hours after its launch. Now it's available in Spanish and on Android phones. Patrick Redling is the unit chief for child exploitation investigations at Homeland Security Investigation's Cyber Crimes Center in Fairfax, Virginia. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss the app.
The Defense and Homeland Security departments both say they are putting their programs on a path that will insist that technologies are rigorously tested before they commit to expensive acquisition strategies.
The drone fleet at Customs and Border Protection isn't big, but the law states that very strict oversight from the Homeland Security Department and CBP is important. Rebecca Gambler is director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues at the Government Accountability Office. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she said Congress mandated a look at CBP's drone program.
In fiscal 2015 FISMA guidance, OMB is trying to close a big hole exposed during the government's reaction to the Heartbleed vulnerability. The White House is giving DHS the authority to regularly conduct proactive scans of certain civilian agency networks. DHS made it clear to Congress earlier this year the delay in getting permission from agencies to scan their networks cost them days in response time during Heartbleed.
The goal of the scorecard or dashboard would be to give government leaders a better sense of just how secure agency networks are from hackers. As the 11th annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month begins, DHS is doing much less education about why securing computers and networks is important.
The 11th annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month kicks off this week, and it's much different than the previous 10. The main reason is because agencies have finally moved beyond the need to understand why cybersecurity is important. Andy Ozment, assistant secretary of the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications in the Homeland Security Department, tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller why needing cybersecurity isn't a foreign concept to most within government anymore.
Two construction companies will share a $4.5 billion contract to build the next phase of Homeland Security Department headquarters. But the debate about the future of DHS continues, with some people believing Congress should break it up again. Jeff Neal is Senior Vice President of ICF International and former Chief Human Capital Officer at the Department of Homeland Security. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said the agency should live on because the good news from the agency outweighs the bad.