The arrest of Faisal Shahzad is a sign of things to come says CBP Commissioner Alan Bersin.
The new, border-wide use of the Predator aircraft marks an unprecedented amount of resources directed to the southwest. Michael Kostelnik, the Assistant Commissioner of the Office of Air and Marine for Customs and Border Protection explains.
HS Today editor David Silverberg spoke with DorobekINSIDER producer Scott Carr about other findings in the report card.
The space agency\'s experience in reducing the number of its e-mail systems could serve as a model for others who are going down a similar path. NASA\'s benefits include cost savings, better cybersecurity and scalability to deal with the expanding need for mobile access.
The federal agency in charge of protecting other agencies from computer intruders was found riddled with hundreds of high-risk security holes on its own systems.
The National Cybersecurity Protection System is testing software and hardware from the Defense Department and industry to figure out how to expand the Einstein toolset. DHS reports that 13 of 19 major agencies already have installed Einstein 2. The department also is planning to hold an industry day for a classified cyber RFI.
Also, is Defense cybersecurity spending asymmetrical?
The failed bombing attempts in New York City and aboard a U.S. flight to Detroit has sparked concern over Uncle Sam\'s watchlisting system.
Traditional surveillance cameras can be a great help to law enforcement officers for a range of missions, including canvassing a crowd for criminal activity, or trailing a terrorist. But there are shortfalls, like a loss of visual contact with the rest of the scene when zooming in on a specific point of interest. A new video surveillance system being developed now by the Department of Homeland Security\'s Science and Technology Directorate called the Imaging System for Immersive Surveillance (or ISIS) takes new camera technology - and real-time image-stitching - and bolts it to a ceiling, mounts it on a roof, or fastens it to a truck-mounted mast. A unique interface then allows the user to maintain a full field of view, while a focal point of choice can be magnified. Like a fisheye lens, ISIS sees v-e-r-y wide. But, whereas a typical fisheye lens distorts an image and can only provide limited resolution, video from ISIS is perfectly detailed, from edge-to-edge.
The Department of Homeland Security has embarked on a project to develop an advanced sensor system for monitoring shipping containers from their point-of-storage to release in the maritime supply chain. The Advanced Container Security Device (or ACSD) is a small unit that attaches to the inside of a container and monitors all six sides for any intrusion or the presence of human cargo. If the device detects such an intrusion or presence it transmits alarm information through the Marine Asset Tag Tracking System to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The ACSD will also build in a standard plug-and-play interface so that other security or commercial sensors (such as those measuring radiological, chemical, or biological factors) can be easily integrated through a standard interface. 40 prototype systems have been delivered, tested and evaluated. This fiscal year, the project plans to remedy shortfalls discovered during prototype testing and put improvements in place.
Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update.
Agencies and vendors soon will be able to submit cloud-based products and services to be certified and accredited once and be available for use by all of government. Version 2 of the FedRAMP security controls should be ready in the next few weeks. Cloud working group still must address several questions about the approval process.
Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update.