Department of Homeland Security

  • Congressman Will Hurd (R-Texas) held a field hearing in San Antonio, Texas last week to better understand how agencies are implementing cloud computing.

    September 28, 2015
  • If you work or ever worked for the government, if you retired from Uncle Sam, if you applied for but didn't take a federal job, odds are somebody knows a lot of your secrets. Who did it, what exactly did they do, when did it happen, where, and often most elusively, why?

    September 25, 2015
  • The Homeland Security Department picks Raytheon to run the DOMino program, which maintains and improves the intrusion protection and detection system known as EINSTEIN, and develops other cyber tools under the National Cybersecurity Protection System.

    September 23, 2015
  • The Department of Homeland Security is on a roll. The GAO calls their priority goal on data work “outstanding,” the Association of Government Accountants gave the agency two awards for excellence in accountability reporting, and the second audit opinion in a row has come back clean. Chip Fulghum is the Chief Financial Officer at DHS. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose when it comes to success, it's a team effort.

    September 22, 2015
  • Preparations for a government shutdown are underway, so if Congress does wind up making a deal and keeps the government open, agencies have spent a lot of time and money for no reason. Chris Cummiskey was deputy under secretary for management and acting deputy under secretary for management at the Homeland Security Department. He's now CEO at Cummiskey Strategic Solutions. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the real costs of a government shutdown.

    September 22, 2015
  • As OMB finalizes new FISMA metrics for 2016, agencies and IGs continue to struggle with a disconnect over risk versus compliance.

    September 21, 2015
  • Attorney Bob Metzger with Rogers Joseph O'Donnell, PC, joins host Roger Waldron for a wide ranging discussion of the federal government's cybersecurity policies and regulations including the new DFARS cyber rule. September 15, 2015

    September 18, 2015
  • The Office of Inspector General says the Department of Homeland Security is struggling to keep its component agencies on the same page for communication and coordination of missions.

    September 17, 2015
  • DHS is trying to change how agencies react to when they discover a cyber attack. Too often, those responses are hampering forensic investigations.

    September 11, 2015
  • GAO says contracting officers should make a new determination of responsibility if a company is sold while bidding on a contract.

    September 08, 2015
  • Lawyers at the Homeland Security Department are trying to address privacy concerns now so that DHS can use big data to stop national security threats without running afoul of the law.

    September 02, 2015
  • DHS and GSA choose Booz Allen and HP Enterprise Services to provide tools and services under two task orders under the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.

    August 31, 2015
  • Federal unions and the employees they represent aren't always on the same page. For example, the American Federation of Government Employees recently targeted some leaders at the Department of Veterans Affairs for discipline. And some members of Congress have called for an end to some collective bargaining rights like official time for feds. Jeff Neal is senior vice president of ICF International and former chief human capital officer at the Homeland Security Department. He's also the author of the Chief HRO blog and he tells In Depth with Francis Rose that federal unions come in all kinds of flavors.

    August 31, 2015
  • The Department of Homeland Security is moving forward with the White House's "kill the password" initiative with an award for cell phone software that authenticates users without the use of passwords and pins.

    August 28, 2015
  • Jeff Neal, senior vice president for ICF International and former chief human capital officer at the Department of Homeland Security, says federal employee unions, like the people they represent, come in a lot of flavors.

    August 28, 2015