• Military services and agencies, alike, are under pressure from senior defense officials to find savings from IT Rob Carey, DoD's deputy CIO said at the annual Executive Leadership Conference. In the coming weeks, Defense CIO Teri Takai will issue a memo detailing a new strategy for bringing existing consolidation and standardization efforts together. The budget pressures have helped push the department out in front of emerging cyber and mobile technologies.

    October 25, 2011
  • \"Data volumes are exploding. Budgets are shrinking. Join this discussion and learn how federal agencies are storing more, yet spending less on storage. If you need to cut your IT budget, doesn\'t it make sense to start with one of your biggest line items? Tune in as our panelists present real examples that show how agencies are containing large volumes while capturing savings—with storage that\'s faster, easier to manage, and more secure. Find out the keys to storage efficiency: buying less hardware, eliminating redundant data, streamlining backup/recovery, avoiding network or bandwidth upgrades, and reducing everyday operating costs.\"

    September 27, 2011
  • The Army has begun moving users of DoD\'s secret IP network to a more secure, two-factor PKI authentication system. It\'s one of several measures the service says it\'s taking to better use trusted identities on DoD networks.

    August 24, 2011
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency is holding its annual conference in Baltimore this week. Enterprise technologies and standardization are key themes. DISA has told its public and private sector partners that it intends to do all of the above, even in a climate in which budgetary resources are declining.

    August 18, 2011
  • The Army resumed its migration of users to its new cloud email system on Tuesday. Other enterprise services will follow behind it, including an enterprise version of Microsoft Sharepoint, which will mostly displace the Army Knowledge Online web portal, officials said.

    August 17, 2011
  • DISA is working on a follow-on contract to the current deal that includes virtualization services the follow-on is expected to be awarded in 2014.

    August 16, 2011
  • The Army will begin lifting its finger off of the pause button for enterprise email within the next few days, the service\'s chief information officer said.

    August 10, 2011
  • Host Roger Waldron will talk government contracting with Mary Davie, assistant commissioner for the Integrated Technology Service at GSA\'s Federal Acquistion Service. August 2, 2011(Encore presentation August 16, 2011)

    August 02, 2011
  • Making DoD\'s smart phones smarter and safer. Hear from John Herrema, Senior Vice President of corporate strategy at Good Technology

    July 28, 2011
  • Android devices are next up in DoD\'s effort to get off-the-shelf smartphones up to snuff with the Pentagon\'s security needs. Also, the Army looks for a better way to do two-factor authentication on mobile devices.

    July 18, 2011
  • A single Defense department cloud email system might be in the works. Learn more in today\'s DoD report

    July 12, 2011
  • Just-retired DoD Secretary Robert Gates issued a recent memo announcing his decision about how DISA and the chief information officer\'s office will change. Gates said DoD will dis-establish the Networks Integration and Information office.

    July 06, 2011
  • Even though the legislative authority expired in May, GAO determined it still can decide task order complaints because of the Competition in Contracting Act.

    June 15, 2011
  • DISA has plans to manage and monitor a million cellphones and other mobile gadgets.

    June 14, 2011