Federal Employee Health Benefits

  • Over the next few days you should stuff yourself with good food and knowledge. You\'ve got the eating part right and we can help with good ideas, especially while you are shopping for your 2012 health plan, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 23, 2011
  • Most federal workers and retirees aren\'t going to spend a lot of time this week worrying about their 2012 health plan. But next week, after the guilt of Thankgiving, you should get serious about what could be the most important financial decision you will make this year, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 21, 2011
  • If you are a long time federal or postal worker you may have noticed this is the dullest health insurance open season in decades. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that\'s a good thing...

    November 18, 2011
  • Today, according to some folks, is Dump Day. It\'s the deadline for either calling it quits with your spouse, partner, betrothed or significant other or sticking with them at least until next year. Fortunately for feds, the D-day decision for your health plan is not until mid-December.

    November 17, 2011
  • Host Mike Causey is joined by Walton Francis, author of \"The Checkbook Guide to Health Plans,\" to talk about what\'s the best health plan for you and your family. November 16, 2011

    November 16, 2011
  • What\'s the most romantic, sexy thing a federal worker can say to a private sector type? It\'s a simple five-letter word, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says: I\'ve got FEHBP

    November 16, 2011
  • 92 percent of plans have taken steps to educate their members about health information technology, but less than 5 percent of members are accessing their records online.

    November 14, 2011
  • Shirley Patterson, the assistant director of federal employee insurance options at OPM, told the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris the agency turned to a new channel of communication to get the word out this year: webcasts.

    November 14, 2011
  • The White House wants to carve out the prescription drug piece and give OPM the ability to negotiate prices through a third party. But experts say this change would cost employees more money and be the first step toward dismantling the entire Federal Employee Health Benefit program.

    November 10, 2011
  • Registered employee benefit consultant Ed Zurndorfer, a registered employee benefits consultant, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris with tips for making the best decisions.

    November 04, 2011
  • After years of being asleep at the health-insurance switch, it appears that many federal workers and retirees are actually doing more than complaining about higher premiums, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    November 02, 2011
  • Robert Moffit is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation's Center for Policy Innovation.

    October 25, 2011
  • Saving money on long-term care insurance premiums is easy: All you need is to sign up a couple of weeks before a stroke or accident makes it impossible for you to dress, bathe, eat or get in and out of bed. If you don\'t know that horrible, magic moment, check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today.

    October 25, 2011
  • Are you one of those federal workers that is unwittingly playing Russian roulette with your lifetime health coverage? Mike Causey says you should be aware of the so-called 5-rule to protect your health insurance coverage when you retire or take a buyout.

    October 24, 2011