federal pay freeze

  • On this week\'s show, host Mike Causey talks with the Federal Times about fast-changing federal issues including the continuing resolution, the FY 2012 budget and the pay freeze proposals on the Hill. February 9, 2011

    February 09, 2011
  • The government is proposing a 15 percent pay raise for employees...that\'s the good news...the bad news is that it is not the U.S. government that\'s come up with this plan. So what\'s going on? Mike Causey has a roadmap.

    February 09, 2011
  • Feds have many questions about what Congress and President Barack Obama have in store for them in the years ahead. Federal Times experts Steve Watkins and Sean Reilly, and Carol Bonosaro, Senior Executive Association President, join Mike Causey to discuss these issues.

    January 26, 2011
  • WFED\'s Mike Causey and Gov Exec\'s Tom Shoop tell federal employees what to watch for in tonight\'s address.

    January 25, 2011
  • If you are a vintage movie buff, especially of science fiction classics, you may understand why the membership and the rhetoric of the new Congress reminds Senior Correspondent Mike Causey of one of his boyhood favorites from Hollywood: The Invasion of the Body Snatchers!

    January 25, 2011
  • Federal employees are already the target of cost-cutting. Tuesday\'s State of the Union address may offer more ideas of how deep the cutting will go.

    January 24, 2011
  • Republicans plan to send President Barack Obama a message just a few hours before his State of the Union speech Tuesday. We get details from CNN\'s Bob Constantini.

    January 24, 2011
  • With all this talk about furloughs and layoffs Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has a timely reminder for politicians: while their target may be waste, red tape and duplication in Washington, people hurt most by government cutbacks live, work and VOTE way outside the beltway.

    January 20, 2011
  • Patrick Donahoe became the 73rd Postmaster General Friday, assuming control of the Postal Service in the midst of a fiscal crisis. Donahoe said USPS will reduce its workforce by another 7,500 people in 2011. Still, he\'s optimistic about the future. In the short term, however, the reality is that postal workers are likely to suffer while the agency tries to balance its books.

    January 17, 2011
  • Thanks to congressional interest in federal retirement benefits, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says membership in the Die At Your Desk Club may soar. So what\'s the deal and what are the proposed changes?

    January 14, 2011
  • This week\'s show is all about you - the federal employee. What other changes may be in store for feds in 2011 in the wake of the federal pay freeze and the change in Congress? January 12, 2011

    January 12, 2011
  • Federal Times reports on the raise employees in the National Security Personnel System will be getting this month.

    January 11, 2011
  • With a 2-year pay freeze in place and politicians looking at your job and retirement benefits are you suddenly nervous in the civil service? Given the economic outlook are you ready to pull the plug or hang in there until better times. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is hearing it both ways.

    January 07, 2011
  • A sea change is what Federal News Radio’s Senior Correspondent calls the change in atmosphere for federal workers between 2009 and 2010. Mike told the DorobekINSIDER that 2011 is shaping up to be even tougher,…

    January 04, 2011