
  • Host Roger Waldron is joined by David Dowd, partner at Mayer Brown, to discuss the acquisition implications of the recent bid protest decision involving Google, Microsoft, and the Interior Department. January 11, 2011

    January 11, 2011
  • The Court of Federal Claims rules that Interior violated law and federal regulations in awarding a sole source contract to Microsoft for e-mail and collaboration services in the cloud. This the latest episode in an ongoing battle between the two software giants to provide cloud services to agencies.

    January 06, 2011
  • Assistant secretary Baker said he can\'t let doctors store veterans\' data on unsecured systems in the cloud. But Baker said he wants to figure out how to solve this problem because the ability to access data anywhere, anytime is necessary. VA shutdown facilities usage of common commercial cloud applications.

    December 23, 2010
  • Google will soon be fighting for room on the cloud with rival Microsoft. Microsoft recently received Federal Information Security Management Act certification for cloud computing data centers — about five months after Google gained approval. “Meeting the requirements of FISMA is an important security requirement for U.S. Federal agencies,” Microsoft’s Senior Director of Risk and [...]

    December 15, 2010
  • The Government Printing Office and Google are now offering more than 100 electronic titles of federal government publications.

    December 14, 2010
  • The Agriculture Department would be the second major agency to announce it\'s taking critical functions to the commercial cloud.

    December 08, 2010
  • What do you call hundreds of cloud developers stuck in a room together? Why, Cloudstock, of course. A cloud computing technical conference – dubbed by some as “The Woodstock for Cloud Developers” took place in San Francisco this week. Its mission was to “bring the top cloud developers and the top cloud technologies together under [...]

    December 07, 2010
  • The BBC reports that Chinese officials orchestrated the hacking at Google earlier this year, according to WikiLeaks cables.

    December 06, 2010
  • The agency will implement e-mail in the cloud using Google Apps for Government under an almost $7 million deal with Unisys. Many agencies are paying attention to how GSA implements this technology. GSA\'s CIO or Unisys could not confirm whether the datacenter is located in the U.S.

    December 06, 2010
  •  Google has filed a lawsuit against the Interior Department in an attempt to prevent the agency from going ahead with bid requests to host a cloud-based electronic messaging system. According to a lawsuit filed in U.S. Court of Federal Claims, Google says they met with Interior Department officials on several occasions asking them to [...]

    November 23, 2010
  • Wall Street Journal reports that overqualified workers may start to look for better jobs they took during a down economy.

    November 16, 2010
  • Federal agencies tend to favor brands they know, Washington Business Journal reports. FAR is supposed to eliminate brand preference, but that doesn’t always happens, one industry expert said in the article. “I think concern about…

    November 12, 2010
  • Amidst a rise in cyber attacks, OhMyGov\'s Mark Malseed joined Francis Rose on In Depth to discuss how agencies can continue to innovate in times of increased online threats.

    November 05, 2010
  • Google is suing the U.S. government for what it claims is unfairly requiring the Web-based document system it uses to be part of Microsoft.

    November 02, 2010