Senate Democrats have blocked action on legislation that provides funding for the Department of Homeland Security and rolls back President Barack Obama's steps to shelter millions of immigrants living illegally in the U.S. from deportation.
The Homeland Security Department cannot pay for more border security or make recommended changes to the Secret Service as long as it's operating on a continuing resolution, Secretary Jeh Johnson said during a speech at the Wilson Center.
Confronting skeptical Republicans, attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch pledged a new start with Congress and independence from President Barack Obama Wednesday, even as she defended the president's unilateral protections for millions of immigrants in the country illegally.
By NEDRA PICKLER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama used his last State of the Union to declare 2014 a “Year of Action,” and he can claim credit for accomplishing several of the…
By ERICA WERNER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Shunning a White House veto threat and opposition within their own party, House Republicans approved legislation Wednesday to overturn President Barack Obama’s key immigration policies and expose…
When President Barack Obama issued his executive action on immigration, a lot of the work fell to the Homeland Security Department. Customs and Border Protection certainly received its share thanks to new rules for deferred actions on parents of Americans and lawful permanent residents (DAPA). Part of that work means making sure illegal or undocumented immigrants understand the rules and who they apply to. Gil Kerlikowske, the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain how CBP is handling the executive action.
By ERICA WERNER and ANDREW TAYLOR Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Trying to avoid a showdown over immigration, House Republican leaders are moving to make a deal with Democrats to pass a spending bill that…
Under President Obama's executive order on immigration, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson released a slew of memos outlining the agency's push to reform its personnel structure, review premium pay, and better secure the U.S.-Mexico border.
You might say Customs and Border Protection had a busy summer. The agency had to deal with a surge of unaccompanied minors. Tens of thousands of them flooded across the Mexican border. CBP handled all it with limited funding. It also faced claims that agents used excessive force at detention centers and against people trying to cross into the United States illegally. Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss the next steps.
Congress left town ignoring the Obama administration's request for more funding to deal with illegal immigration. Dana Leigh Marks is president of the National Association of Immigration Judges and an immigration judge in San Francisco. When we spoke with her at the peak of the surge across the Southern border in July, she described her work as handling death-penalty cases with traffic court resources. She gave an update on the situation on the Federal Drive with guest host Emily Kopp.
Fred Burton, vice president for Intelligence at Stratfor, will discuss a wide range of border security issues with host Derrick Dortch. August 22, 2014
Fred Burton, vice president for Intelligence at Stratfor, will discuss a wide range of border security issues with host Derrick Dortch. August 8, 2014
A former immigration officer was convicted of four felonies: conspiracy to commit bribery and defraud the United States, bribery, conspiracy to witness tamper and witness tampering.
After spending $1 billion on a failed border security fence project, the Homeland Security Department restarted the project a couple of years ago. But it didn't get far. A $145 million award for seven new surveillance towers has been halted thanks to a successful protest. Raytheon filed the protest against the winning bidder, EFW, an affiliate of the Israeli defense contractor Elbit. The Government Accountability Office sustained the protest. In this week's legal loop segment, Procurement Attorney Joe Petrillo joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to sort out the case.
Democratic and Republican members of Congress are at loggerheads over immigration reform. Meanwhile agencies who carry out immigration policy wonder what will happen. Leaders cannot agree on issues such as border security, work visas, and other issues. If the House fails to pass some type of reform by the end of July, some Democratic senators say President Obama will act on his own. Bob Cusack is the managing editor of The Hill newspaper. He joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss exactly what laws are up for reforming.