Improper payments

  • Most of the increase in the government's improper payments during 2015 comes from a higher rate of payment errors in the Medicaid program.

    February 26, 2016
  • Reported improper payments are likely to increase as agencies improve their ability to ferret out overpayments and underpayments

    February 25, 2016
  • Indiana avoided $80 million in what the feds would call improper payments, and now the crooked filers are moving on.

    February 04, 2016
  • The Army and GSA say most families who've been waiting months for promised childcare subsidies have been compensated. But several other aspects of the Army's Fee Assistance Program will take months more to correct.

    January 07, 2016
  • In Depth's Francis Rose and OMB Controller Danny Werfel talk strategy when it comes to the fight against the rising number of improper payments in the federal government.

    October 14, 2015
  • The governmentwide improper payment rate jumped 14 percent during the last fiscal year to more than $124 billion. The Office of Management and Budget is working on a new reporting matrix for agencies to figure out who and what is responsible for all that money. Danny Werfel, director of the Boston Consulting Group and former OMB controller, talks to In Depth with Francis Rose about the new reporting matrix.

    October 14, 2015
  • An effort to cut improper payments from the Obama administration hasn't worked the way the White House wanted. Comptroller General of the United States Gene Dodaro told the Senate Finance Committee improper federal payments increased by almost 20 percent in 2014. Beryl Davis, director of financial management and assurance issues at the Government Accountaibility Office, told In Depth with Francis Rose that GAO has been unable to determine the the full extent of improper payments.

    October 05, 2015
  • Congress and agencies are still looking for answers as they grapple with a 14 percent increase in the governmentwide improper payment rate in 2014.

    October 02, 2015
  • Agencies lose a new record of $125 billion in improper payments last year. Twenty-two different agencies committed errors, and three programs account for $93 billion in improper payments. One of those programs is the Earned Income Tax Credit, which has a 27 percent error rate. Danny Werfel, director of Boston Consulting Group and former acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, is writing for the Centre for Public Impact. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose why cutting government waste isn't as simple as it might seem.

    August 17, 2015
  • Of the 24 CFO Act agencies — those required to have audited financial statements — about half failed to comply with the law on improper payments, according to a preliminary analysis of the IG reports by the accounting firm Grant Thornton. The low scorers include the agencies that misspent the most money: the departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury, Agriculture and the Social Security Administration.

    June 08, 2015
  • The way to better, more trustworthy government is through fixing broken systems and processes, and funding them adequately, says Federal News Radio's Tom Temin in a new commentary.

    March 31, 2015
  • Federal government agency improper payments are up almost $20 billion. The Government Accountability Office says its fiscal 2014 audit revealed agencies racked up a total of about $125 billion in improper payments. Beryl Davis, director of financial management and assurance issues at the GAO, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the root causes of the spending errors.

    March 23, 2015
  • Improper payments from the federal government reached an all-time high last year. They totaled more than $124 billion — a $19 billion increase from the previous high of $105 billion. That's according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. White House officials are examining this trend and looking for ways to head improper payments down again. Danny Werfel, a former Controller in the Office of Management and Budget and now a Director with the Boston Consulting Group, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on how they might to do that.

    March 19, 2015
  • By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agencies set a new record for improper payments last year, shelling out $125 billion in questionable benefits after years of declines. The payments included tax credits…

    March 17, 2015
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