Janice Lachance

OPM, administrative leave

Proposal to reform pay for blue-collar feds gets committee approval, but concerns remain

The Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee voted in favor of a draft proposal to reform the pay system for blue-collar federal employees, but several…

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/fotostok_pdv)Financial Adviser

Breaking down a few key recommendations from the Federal Salary Council

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(Photo courtesy of the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center Communications Department)Special Salary rate

VA’s biggest union already pushing back on agency’s closure plans

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OPM, administrative leave

NAPA report details path forward for OPM, but advocates worry it’ll be easily forgotten

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jirsak)federal hiring

Schedule F is gone, but the debate continues in Congress

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Federal News Radio

Does the administration have what it takes to reinvigorate an outdated civil service system?

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Federal leaders say civil service merit principles are timeless. But is OPM?

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In Depth interviews – September 25

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HReinvented: Former OPM Director Janice LaChance forecasts tough changes

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