Jason Briefel

  • The authors of a recent report offering suggestions on civil service modernization say they attempted to bring interested parties together to facilitate meaningful discussions on the topic. But at least one federal employee group said their effort did the opposite.

    July 29, 2020
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week to hear about the fellowships bringing innovation and technology skills to government. Guests from fellowships impacting the legislative and executive branch will discuss how they bring new skills…

    January 23, 2020
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week to hear from public employee groups about their plans for 2020. Guests from across the federal community will discuss the biggest issues of 2019 spilling into the new…

    January 06, 2020
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week for a discussion on Enterprise Risk Management. The federal government is great at responding to problems, but experts across the federal community have ideas on how to make…

    September 30, 2019
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week for a discussion on the importance cybersecurity within the federal government. As the federal government becomes increasingly digital, it also becomes increasingly at risk for cyberattacks. Experts in…

    September 05, 2019
  • FEDtalk Tune in to FEDtalk this week for a discussion on the transition between college and government. The guests will cover how the federal government is currently struggling to recruit and retain young people in…

    August 07, 2019
  • Stakeholders weighing in on rollout of the data strategy said building a workforce that can keep pace with the scope of the problem and the rate of change in technology stands out as one of the most daunting challenges.

    July 08, 2019
  • In the wake of the partial government shutdown, financial planning has been on the minds of federal employees everywhere. Tune in to FEDtalk this Friday at 11 am EST for a discussion on financial planning pre- and post-retirement.

    March 06, 2019
  • With open season just around the corner, tune in to FEDtalk tomorrow to hear about some of your options as a federal employee when making benefits decisions and planning for your future. Host Jason Briefel will be joined by Joan Melanson of Long Term Care Partners and Joyce Warner of the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA).
    November 2, 2018

    November 02, 2018
  • The Office of Personnel Management is receiving more applications for the phased retirement program this year than it had during the first full year of its existence, but the numbers are still relatively low, given the large number of federal employees who are or will be eligible by the end of fiscal 2017.

    June 28, 2017
  • The Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, which senators introduced last week, may have more momentum than previous bills. It now has 12 co-sponsors, including four Democrats and VA Secretary David Shulkin himself. Yet some federal employee groups and experts question whether the new bill has the teeth to truly tackle long entrenched cultural problems at the department.

    May 16, 2017
  • The success of the next president's management agenda will largely depend on having the right senior executives to serve as champions for the administration's goals, as well as the right performance plans to hold them accountable and drive noticeable outcomes. That's the message the Performance Institute, along with a coalition of other federal management organizations, will send to both candidates.

    October 17, 2016
  • The Senior Executives Association named Bill Valdez as the next SEA president. Valdez has been a member of SEA since 2000, served on the board of Directors since 2005 and chaired the board for two years, from 2011 to 2013.

    September 20, 2016
  • The House is moving forward on a bill that would shorten the time in which Veterans Affairs employees and senior executives could appeal disciplinary actions and removals. The VA Accountability First and Appeals Modernization Act of 2016 also includes provisions that would change the veterans' appeals process, but the bill is drawing ire from the Obama administration, House Democrats and federal employee groups.

    September 13, 2016