Jessica Bonjorni

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VA watchdogs raise alarms about steps missed screening hires with drug felonies

Federal watchdogs have found several gaps in how VA screens candidates for healthcare jobs — including identifying when it hires employees with a drug…

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(Photo courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs)VA

VA HR officials support bill to overhaul agency’s 16-year old pay model for doctors

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(Spokane VA Medical Center Photo)veterans affairs spokane washington, Mann-Grandstaff

VA hired 59,000 employees this fiscal year, but still struggles with workforce shortages

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(Photo courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs)VA

VA seeks higher pay caps for more health care workers to address high turnover rates

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jirsak)federal hiring

VA’s pandemic hiring spree continues, but Congress wishes reforms could have taken place years ago

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(Photo courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs)VA

VA says onboarding changes made during the pandemic will ‘change the way we hire forever’

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(Photo courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs)VA

VA to more strategically target recruitment, retention incentives to address 49,000 vacancies

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