
  • The Defense Department's Better Buying Power principles are saving the Navy hundreds of millions of dollars. In one instance, the Better Buying Power approach allowed the Navy to acquire three new guided-missile destroyers because it saved a total of $300 million on the entire purchase. Nick Guertin, director of Transformation in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the future of the Navy's acquisition policy and how the BBP strategy will play a role.

    November 19, 2014
  • Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the chief of naval operations, said his service needs to pivot away from large, proprietary shipbuilding programs, citing the need for more flexible, adaptable platforms.

    November 19, 2014
  • The Navy secretary has spent more than a full year of his five-year tenure on overseas travel, racking up more than 930,000 miles on trips that cost taxpayers more than $4.7 million.

    November 18, 2014
  • U.S. Cyber Command is reviewing the results of its biggest exercise of the year. CYBERFLAG is designed to test out the military forces' ability to keep fighting when an adversary is attacking their networks, and to link up cyber forces with the more traditional air, sea, land and space domains. Rear Adm. Kevin Lunday is Cyber Command's director for exercises and training. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he talked about the exercise -- and the three types of teams involved in it -- with Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu.

    November 17, 2014
  • The Navy is testing Microsoft's Office 365 as one potential option for migrating its email users to a cloud-based service. But the cost of securing the system is yet to be determined.

    November 06, 2014
  • The Navy's top IT acquisition official says he takes it as a given that the Navy will migrate its email services to the cloud. The only question is how. Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu has details on pilot programs that are designed to provide answers.

    November 05, 2014
  • The Pentagon has professed for years that that open architectures were a great idea. Shrinking budgets might make them the default option.

    November 05, 2014
  • A new future of electronic warfare is coming to the Navy. But budget pressure may stunt the growth of that future. Retired Navy Rear Adm. Terry McKnight is former commander of Expeditionary Strike Group 2, and former commandant of Naval District Washington. He's also former deputy commander of Joint Force Headquarters in the National Capital region. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said the time is ripe for a successor to the ANSLQ 32 electronic warfare suite.

    November 03, 2014
  • A new task force widens the Navy's cybersecurity aperture worrying about ships and airplanes as being vulnerable to attack just as email and database servers are.

    November 03, 2014
  • A maritime disaster 51 years ago prodded the Navy to put in place a world-class safety regime that's kept the U.S. submarine fleet safe from any major mishaps for the last four decades. After a major breach of Navy networks last year, officials say they've decided they need to replicate that engineering rigor and organizational discipline in cyberspace. Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu has more on what the service is calling its "cyber awakening."

    October 31, 2014
  • The Pentagon launched 12 airstrikes against the Islamic State militants in Iraq during the last 24 hours. As Operation Inherent Resolve continues -- and becomes more expensive -- it highlights a need to develop more cost efficient military strategies. Retired Navy Capt. Jerry Hendrix is former Director of Naval History. Hendrix is now senior fellow and director of the new Defense Strategies and Assessments Program at the Center for a New American Security. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how the program will analyze and create new military strategies that emphasize cost effectiveness and innovation.

    October 22, 2014
  • Women of Washington radio show hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm talk to Karen Dahut, executive vice president and leader of the Strategic Innovation Group at Booz Allen Hamilton, about what companies need to do to embrace innovation, especially in the public sector.

    October 15, 2014
  • President Richard Nixon once joked with Israeli prime minister Golda Meir. He said he'd give her three U.S. generals in exchange for the legendary Moshe Dyan. Meir answered, sure, I'll take General Motors, General Electric and General Dynamics. Today's Defense Industrial Base is operating in a changing and uncertain economy. In the last few years, it's been hit by Defense spending cutbacks. Nayantara Hensel, former chief economist for the Navy, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to describes what this means to the Defense Industrial Base and to the Defense enterprise.

    October 09, 2014
  • Jerry Punderson, the outgoing director of contracts for the Naval Sea Systems Command, will join PSC as its new senior vice president of defense and intelligence.

    October 06, 2014