The Office of Management and Budget announced a new governance and oversight structure for the financial management shared services initiative. The oversight committee will create a strategy and the Unified Shared Service Management Team will drive the implementation of shared services across government.
Tens of millions of dollars in agency-by-agency service contracts are due to expire next year. GSA hopes to transition a large proportion of the spending into governmentwide vehicles such as OASIS and the GSA schedules.
The federal government's claim to be the 'world's biggest customer' is apparently rubbing a lot of vendors the wrong way.
The Office of Management and Budget is telling agencies they'll have five choices of laptop and desktop configurations to buy from now on and they'll have three choices of places to buy them from. They also have to explain to OMB why they shouldn't have to. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells In Depth with Francis Rose how this policy change will impact industry.
The Office of Management and Budget is updating the underlying policy for how the government buys, uses, and manages information technology. It’s known as Circular A-130. The last time OMB updated it was in 2000. Federal News Radio’s executive editor Jason Miller joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss the changes and why you should care.
Data problems continue to haunt the Obama administration's efforts to tame the government's property portfolio. But they are not the same problems of yesteryear.
The Office of Management and Budget will require your agency to buy computer hardware through one of three governmentwide vehicles soon — or explain why you shouldn't. That's after OMB found agencies spent anywhere from $450 to $1,300 to buy computers with the same specifications. Steve Kelman is professor of public management at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and former administrator of federal procurement policy. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose there are some good things and bad things about OMB's mandate.
The White House issued the draft version of Circular A-130 updating the 15-year-old policy, specifically with a host of new definitions and requirements for protecting networks and systems.
Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) has asked OMB Director Shaun Donovan to better police agency spending on public relations.
The Office of Management and Budget’s new guidance prohibits civilian agencies from buying computers off any contract except from one of three governmentwide acquisition contracts.
OFPP Administrator Anne Rung and Tom Sharpe, the commissioner of the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service, say category management now is a cross-agency priority goal with a focus on saving money and reducing contracts.
In Depth's Francis Rose and OMB Controller Danny Werfel talk strategy when it comes to the fight against the rising number of improper payments in the federal government.
The governmentwide improper payment rate jumped 14 percent during the last fiscal year to more than $124 billion. The Office of Management and Budget is working on a new reporting matrix for agencies to figure out who and what is responsible for all that money. Danny Werfel, director of the Boston Consulting Group and former OMB controller, talks to In Depth with Francis Rose about the new reporting matrix.
Cybersecurity and customer service were popular additions to many federal agencies' priority goals for 2016 and 2017.
Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Steve Russell (R-Okla.) called on the White House to find a more appropriate and secure location to store personal information gleaned from the security clearance process.