New guidance requires agencies to reduce discretionary spending requests for 2015 by reducing duplication and consolidating like programs across the government.
The Obama administration has called on Congress to cap government-reimbursed contractor compensation at $400,000, a move that the head of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy said would save hundreds of millions of dollars. Joe Jordan, the OFPP administrator, said the White House would send proposed legislation to Congress next week.
Shelley Metzenbaum is now the president of the Volcker Alliance, a non-partisan group trying to improve trust in government. Metzenbaum left the Obama administration earlier this month.
Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel said the benefits will outweigh the concerns about making information more accessible. May 29, 2013
On the one-year anniversary of the Digital Government Strategy, the Office of Management and Budget highlighted the progress being made to make agency information and systems device-agnostic. Federal CIO Steve VanRoekel said mobile is the new default platform.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Internal Revenue Service, Office of Management and Budget and the Environmental Protection Agency will all shut down Friday because of widespread employee furloughs — giving feds a four-day holiday weekend. The Labor and Interior Departments also are telling employees to stay home.
Steve VanRoekel will continue to be the federal CIO, in addition to taking on new management responsibilities at OMB. Norman Dong will lead OMB's Federal Financial Management Office.
The administration is expected to release a new directive in the coming weeks to update Circular A-127, which defines how agencies operate their financial systems. The new guidance is expected to open the market up to vendors and make it easier for agencies to transition to shared service providers.
President Barack Obama has appointed senior White House budget officer Daniel Werfel to be acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, a White House official says.
The impact of the Digital Government Strategy has been hard to measure so far, but federal CIO Steve VanRoekel said the government is ready to unleash the potential of open data. New tools for how agencies should build and secure mobile devices are expected in the next few weeks.
Government auditors told House Oversight and Government Affairs members that saving money from closing more than 1,000 data centers needs to be metric. OMB said optimization of core data centers is a more important measure than straight cost savings.
News and buzz in the acquisition and IT communities that you may have missed this week.
President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order and OMB released a new policy requiring agencies to make data machine-readable and use open standards. Agencies must develop an inventory of information and make it publicly available. Good government groups praised the changes but had some concerns around the administration's decision to apply the policy only to structured data.
President Barack Obama issued a new policy and signed an Executive Order requiring data to be open, machine-readable and safeguarded.
Senate lawmakers are promising to change the laws to let agencies have easier access to the Death Master File and other key databases. Starting June 1, agencies must check the Do Not Pay list before issuing any money.