OMB\'s chief performance officer Jeffrey Zients has been in his job now for about 100 days. FederalNewsRadio\'s Jason Miller tells us what he\'s learned so far.
In today\'s look at the \"5 Fallacies of Government?\", FederalNewsRadio turns the focus on the \"retirement wave\" of the future.
New group is developing performance measures that are based on outcomes. OMB has set a November deadline for a draft of the metrics that will be reviewed by government and industry. DHS says the governmentwide focus to improve cybersecurity is on standards, metrics and authentication.
The DorobekInsider told you first this week that the White House was going to announce — soon — that Daniel Gordon [PDF], the deputy general counsel for the Government Accountability Office, would be nominated to…
There still are two more weeks to send ideas to OMB to win the SAVE Award. OMB also is kicking off a physical fitness challenge to its employees to see who walks the most. The winner will have lunch with Director Orszag.
Deputy director for management Jeffrey Zients hires Shelley Metzenbaum to help lead the performance management effort. OMB to lean on the Performance Improvement Council to develop and advocate for new approach.
The Web site's goal is to make it easier for agencies to obtain cloud computing services. The administration also wants to change policy and budget to meet new approach to technology.
Deidre Lee Executive Vice President Professional Services Council August 31st, 2009
Coast Guard wants to set up separate network to use social media sites. CIO Council looking at cybersecurity implications of these tools.
Yes — today is my birthday. (I have a friend who lies about his age. Frankly, I am trying out going the other way — Let’s be honest — I don’t look like I’m in…
The White House wants agencies to shift priorities as they develop their fiscal 2011 budget submissions to focus more on the administration\'s science and technology priorities.
In the private sector, it\'s not unusual for a vendor to have incentive clauses written into a contract, but in federal contracting, agencies sometimes employ the practice of \"rollovers\", extending additional opportunities to earn bonuses even to contractors who come up short on their contractual performance. And that is a matter of concern for one Senate oversight committee.
He also nominates new CPSC commissioner and chairwoman of Merit Systems Protection Board.
After more than 9 years, the Office of Management and Budget is about to revise its original policy banning the use of web cookies, or tracking software, on federal websites. The change is expected to help federal web managers better run their sites, and also offer the same kinds of user experiences now commonplace on commercial and private-sector websites.
Notice likely to be published in Monday\'s federal register. White House wants comments on new rules.