The White House today will launch the third and final part of the Obama transparency and openness initiative where the White House CTO’s office will invite the public to “collaborate on crafting constructive proposals to…
Our next meeting of the Federal News Radio Book Club is what we call a “get” — we will be talking about a book selected by Aneesh Chopra, the first ever federal chief technology officer,…
I mentioned that I was going to be on DC’s NewsChannel 8’s Federal News Tonight last night — talking dashboards, no less. (To be honest, I was a bit concerned the topic was a bit…
Federal CTO details four broad areas of focus to bring new approaches to improve government services and society. He says it\'s a matter of agencies learning how to innovate.
I arrived last night here in Norfolk, VA for the ACT/IAC’s Management of Change 2009 conference. They have a pretty good agenda lined up — including Clay Shirky, a New York University professor and author…
The post is long overdue — but I think it is still important… and I wanted to get it on the record for our ACT/IAC Management of Change panel Monday regarding the changing role of…
OMB drafting new guidance to let agencies use function to better understand citizen Web behavior. Draft policy includes opt-in option.
New site,, to grow to about 240,000 datasets over the next month. Federal CIO Vivek Kundra says the public should direct what information is made available.
The Office of Management and Budget wants to move the government’s IT infrastructure to the cloud. In a request for information issued yesterday, the General Services Administration asks industry for ideas on how they would…
White House outlines replacement for PART program to focus on \'meaningful measures and quantitative targets.\'
The new budget proposal from the Obama administration contains about $17 billion worth of reductions and cuts of programs the Office of Management and Budget says don’t work, or don’t work well. Former associate director…
CHEERS To Senators Tom Carper, Susan Collins, Joe Lieberman & George Voinovich for the Information Technology Investment Oversight and Waste Prevention Act of 2009 (pdf). This bill is a first, but important, step in the…
Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra is leading a two-month review on how agencies submit, and the Office of Management and Budget collects, IT project data. Kundra told Senate lawmakers yesterday that agencies need to…
I almost felt like the headline of this post should be: Did you hear what I heard? I mentioned that federal CIO Vivek Kundra spoke last week at AFCEA’s Bethesda chapter. (In fact, I’m going…
I’m up early this morning to attend the monthly breakfast gathering for AFCEA International’s Bethesda, MD chapter — and it’s a good one this morning. I expect a packed house as Vivek Kundra, the federal…