OPM Cyber Breach

  • The number of agency employees using two-factor authentication is 20 percent since the start of the 30-day cybersecurity sprint. Federal Chief Information Officer Tony Scott had some positive results to share at the halfway point. Patrick Flynn is the director of homeland and national security programs at Intel Security, and former assistant chief of the Office of Border Patrol at Customs and Border Protection. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose what we should be looking for as more agencies report their progress at the end of the cyber sprint.

    July 15, 2015
  • The OPM cyber attack may turn out to have a silver lining. The attack may give agencies an opportunity — if they choose to take it — to redefine encryption. Chuck Archer is the executive chairman at Covata and former assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose that encryption isn't a people problem.

    July 15, 2015
  • Alan Paller and John Pescatore of the SANS Institute explain why Katherine Archuleta's departure may not be a fair nor effective means for addressing the cybersecurity problems at OPM.

    July 15, 2015
  • Even though the Office of Personnel Management is responsible for the biggest breach to federal employee data in history, it is by no means the only agency having a tough time addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The number of cybersecurity incidents government-wide is up from about 5,500 in fiscal 2006 to more than 67,000 in fiscal 2014 — and those are just the incidents agencies have reported. Information security has been on the Government Accountability Office's High Risk list since 1997. Greg Wilshusen is director of information strategic issues at the GAO. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu why agencies are having a hard time coming up with risk-based cyber programs.

    July 14, 2015
  • The Office of Personnel Management has already announced plans to provide up to three years of identity theft protection for the more than 21 million people involved in its massive data breach. But several U.S. senators are saying that's not good enough. The Senate delegations from Maryland and Virginia are jointly sponsoring legislation that pay for protection services for breach victims for the rest of their lives — and grant them $5 million insurance policies against identity theft. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) is one of the sponsors. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu that the services OPM's offering aren't enough.

    July 14, 2015
  • The Office of Personnel Management and its new acting director are in crisis mode right now as the agency responds to the largest breach of federal employee data in history. But among the many challenges Beth Cobert faces as she takes the helm at OPM is making sure the agency pays attention to its basic human capital management missions -- and doesn't get distracted by the emergency at hand. Don Kettl is a management expert at the Unversity of Maryland School of Public Policy. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu that the data breach probably wasn't the fault of former OPM director Katherine Archuleta -- but her departure from the agency wasn't a surprise.

    July 14, 2015
  • The OPM breach exemplifies the failure to recognize that cybersecurity is a challenge that must be owned by everyone within an agency, says former Homeland Security HR executive Jeff Neal.

    July 14, 2015
  • Politicians and the press have a taste for meat, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. Their most recent feast was a healthy serving of OPM director, well skewered.

    July 14, 2015
  • We know a little more now about both cyber breaches at the Office of Personnel Management. But there are still plenty of questions. David Snell is the director of the federal benefits service department at the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. He testified before the House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittees on Research and Technology and Oversight last week. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu that he's worried not just about the breaches themselves, but the lack of communication between OPM and the federal workforce since then.

    July 13, 2015
  • The risk of cyber attacks -- like the recent OPM cyber breaches -- are exactly the type of events risk management programs are designed to identify and plan for. The Treasury Department is one agency that has stood up an entire office to strategize enterprise risk management -- well in advance of OMB guidance for 2016. Montrice Yakimov is the chief risk officer for the Bureau of Fiscal Service at the Treasury Department and leads its Office of Enterprise Risk Management. She tells Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller why Treasury's mission itself prompted the agency to develop a risk management portfolio.

    July 13, 2015
  • Danny Werfel, the former acting IRS commissioner, sheds light on the challenges Beth Cobert, the new acting director of the Office of Personnel Management, will face leading an agency in trouble.

    July 13, 2015
  • The two cyber breaches at the Office of Personnel Management have got the attention of the media and federal managers. It’s also landed on the plates of many chief information officers. “Everyone in the government…

    July 13, 2015
  • It'll be a tough road ahead for the next director of the Office of Personnel Management after Katherine Archuleta resigned. That person will enter an agency trying to recover from the biggest known breach of federal employee data in history. But what can they do to ensure success? Danny Werfel has been there, done that. He was brought in to lead the Internal Revenue Service in 2013 after its administrator stepped down due to a series of scandals. Now a director in the Public Sector practice at The Boston Consulting Group, he joined Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to share his experience.

    July 13, 2015
  • What does the future hold for the Office of Personnel Management? Federal Drive host Tom Temin offers new steps for the agency to take following Katherine Archuleta's resignation.

    July 13, 2015