By Max Cacas FederalNewsRadio The Gallup Organization is out with a new study that examines citizen perceptions of how the federal government does its job. The preliminary findings from the study were discussed yesterday at…
Is your agency tossing top talent by the wayside? A new report from the Partnership for Public Service finds that federal managers are putting less than 1 in 10 interns on their permanent payrolls. The…
The federal government wants to recruit new employees, but it isn’t easy. There are plenty of people who want to work for the federal government. The problem is getting off square one — the application…
The federal government wants to recruit new employees, but it isn’t easy. There are plenty of people who want T to work for the federal government. The problem is getting off square one — the…
The Senate voted yesterday to approve a bill yesterday to expand community service programs like Americorps, and could increase the number of positions to 250,000. The bill is now called the “Senator Edward M. Kennedy…
There’s a renewed focus in Washington on federal employee benefits. A slew of proposals aim to change how unused sick leave is credited toward retirement and provide paid leave for birth or adoption. There’s also…
There are a lot of opinions on how the defense procurement process could be reformed. The House Armed Services Committee has formed a bi-partisan panel to deal with the issue, and there is a bill…
The federal government is looking at incentives that will attract and retain older, more experienced workers.
The Roosevelt Scholars Act of 2009 would fund graduate-level education in mission-critical fields. In exchange, the graduate would have a service commitment to federal government. The legislation for Roosevelt Scholars was introduced in the last…
Just how many private contractors are employed by the federal government? No one really knows – and the Partnership for Public Service says that’s a problem, especially in light the stimulus package that’s about to…
The Oscar Awards come up on Sunday, but for the government, it is nomination season. There are only a few more weeks to nominate feds for the Partnership for Public Service’s Service to America Medals,…
The Partnership for Public Service is absorbing the majority of the Council for Excellence in Government\'s programs and staff starting Feb. 16.
Even as the private sector is tightening its belt…the public sector continues to hire! We talked about it with Tim McManus, the Executive Vice President of Outreach and Education at the Partnership for Public Service.
The security clearance process for feds has been improving over the past several months, but now the Obama Administration is looking to hire six-thousand new employees. Tim McManus is Vice President of Education and Outreach…
If you could pick, what would be your ideal job? The Partnership for Public Service asked this question of young college students and grads — and found that the federal government might be an “ideal…