Postal Service

  • John Potter Postmaster General Sept. 3, 2009

    September 01, 2009
  • August 12th, 2009 \"Going green\" used to be a cost driver; it was more expensive to go green - and stay green - than to do business the old-fashioned way. But that cost dynamic is changing, and the US Postal Service is taking advantage of it.

    August 12, 2009
  • A third-quarter loss of over $2.4 billion is being projected by the US Postal Service. USPS Inspector General David Williams says the loss can largely be attributed to workers’ compensation and future health care payments.…

    August 11, 2009
  • Winner of many environmental awards, the United States Postal Service has taken one more step into a “green” world. The largest green roof in New York City was dedicated yesterday, on top of the Morgan…

    July 23, 2009
  • Is the Post Office running out of money? Four unions representing the nation’s postal workers are asking for a White House meeting about the possibility that the Postal Service will be unable to make payroll…

    July 20, 2009
  • Legacy-to-open-source transitions are popping up all over the government. The US Postal Service has set this shift as a policy, and one big transition is complete. John Byrne, Manager of the Integrated Business Solutions Service…

    July 17, 2009
  • July 15th, 2009 Some of the leading advocates for new technologies are the \"old hands.\" One such greybeard is Robert Otto, former Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer at the US Postal Service. His former agency is moving some legacy systems to open source. Mr. Otto talks about laying the groundwork for that move, and why other agencies will save money and time by doing the same.

    July 14, 2009
  • Maggie Simpson beat out the rest of her family for the most popular Simpson’s stamp in a recent U.S. Postal Service poll. But have you ever wondered how these stamp designs get chosen in the…

    June 02, 2009
  • The U.S. Postal Service is on the ropes, fiscally, and today, the Postmaster General came to Congress looking for a hand, not a handout. FederalNewsRadio’s Max Cacas joins us more.

    March 25, 2009
  • Thomas G. Day Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail and Address Quality February 23rd and 25th, 2009

    February 23, 2009
  • The economic downturn has resulted in big job layoffs across the country…and now the U.S. Postal Service says its “up against the wall” in how it deals with declines in postal volume. FederalNewsRadio’s Max Cacas…

    January 28, 2009
  • The National Postal Forum is going to be held in May, but preparations are already underway for the educational event. Susan Plonkey is Vice President of Business Customer Relations for the United States Postal Service…

    January 12, 2009
  • CHEERS To the U.S. Postal Service. For the fifth year in a row, the U.S. Postal Service has been recognized by the Ponemon Institute for its best practices in safeguarding U.S. consumers’ personal information among…

    January 05, 2009
  • Thomas Day Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail and Address Quality November 17th and 19th, 2008

    November 17, 2008
  • If you’re looking for more evidence of the downturn in the American economy, you need look no further than your local post office. The U.S. Postal Service is ending its fiscal year in the red,…

    November 13, 2008