Rob Shriver

Election 2024

OPM deadline nears for agencies to hand over list of their politically appointed positions

Once agencies hand in their information, OPM will pass it along to both the Republican and Democratic parties for their review ahead of the November election.

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OPM, skills, federal HR employees

Early-career federal job openings seeing ‘renewed and increased’ interest, OPM’s Shriver says

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/mohd izzuanFEHB, OPM, GAO costs, Stethoscope and money on wooden table representing health care, FEHB plans.

Centralized FEHB database key to OPM cost savings, GAO says

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IVF, Invitro fertilization

Senate GOP blocks bill to expand IVF access as advocates call for better FEHB coverage

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(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)Congress

Former senior officials join rising calls for an alternative to Schedule F

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkFederal Workforce

Return-to-office review: Employees call for flexibility, while legislation lags

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OPM defends rule to hamper Schedule F’s return, backs telework amid return to office push

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Office of Personnel ManagementImage of OPM Acting Director Rob Shriver and U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

Federal leaders unpack hybrid work’s link to mental health

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jirsak)federal hiring

WH aims to transition nearly 100K federal IT jobs to skills-based hiring

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/wildpixelImage representing concept of employees being fired through Schedule F.

Biden administration locks in plans aiming to block Schedule F for good

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/mohd izzuanFEHB, OPM, GAO costs, Stethoscope and money on wooden table representing health care, FEHB plans.

OPM tells FEHB carriers to prepare for USPS health program’s launch

Alongside preparations for the 2025 plan year for FEHB, OPM outlined clearer plans for implementing the Postal Service Health Benefits program.

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Workforce-in office

For agencies, limited resources are a major challenge to scaling workforce innovations

After gathering feedback from agency leaders, the Office of Personnel Management has found common limitations that are leading to challenges with long-term…

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(Amelia Brust/Federal News Network)Retirement

OPM’s retirement processing finishes strong for 2023, but still ‘not where we need to be’

After chipping away more than a third of the federal retirement claims backlog, the Office of Personnel Management is now bracing for an upcoming surge in retirement applications.

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