small business

  • For years, the mentor-protégé program at the Small Business Administration paired large, established businesses with small, disadvantaged companies to improve the little guys' chances of winning federal contracts. Now the SBA has finalized a major revision to the mentor-protégé rules. Ken Dodds, director of planning and liaison in the government contracting office at SBA, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to explain what the changes mean.

    August 19, 2016
  • What are the top marketing issues affecting small contractors? Find out when consultant Bob Davis joins host Mark Amtower on this week's Amtower Off Center. June 20, 2016

    June 17, 2016
  • A new bill would let companies challenge the agency through an administrative process that promises to be simpler and cheaper than litigation. Witnesses at a congressional hearing said they feared new size standards would alter competition for $200 billion in small-business set asides.

    June 08, 2015
  • A new bill from the House Small Business Committee chairman would require SBA to develop a new methodology to measure how effective agencies are in ensuring small firms receive prime and subcontracts awards.

    March 20, 2015
  • Gridlock in Washington in recent years has stalled tax bills and other legislation aimed at helping small companies, but such proposals are expected to be on the agenda in the Republican-led Congress.

    January 01, 2015
  • Congress ranks small business right up there with motherhood and apple pie. Small businesses should take advantage of this fact, says contracting expert Tim Sullivan.

    December 16, 2014
  • The Government Accountability Office denied the sixth and final protest of the OS3 strategic sourcing contract awards. GSA expects the contract to save the government $90 million a year.

    December 08, 2014
  • Government at the speed of business is a goal the Export-Import Bank hopes to achieve with its latest improvements to their customer contact center. Ex-Im bank's mission supports export financing in order to promote the sale of U.S. goods and services abroad. Fred Hochberg is the Chairman and President of Ex-Im Bank and joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to detail the contact center's improvements and what they mean to small businesses who want to enter the global marketplace.

    December 04, 2014
  • For the first time in nearly a decade, the government earned an 'A' for meeting its small business contracting goals. That's 23 percent of contracting dollars across the government. NASA got the equivalent of an 'A+'. Nearly 30 percent of its contracts went to small and disadvantaged businesses. How did they do it? Glenn Delgado is associate administrator of NASA's Office of Small Business Programs. He told Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive that the commitment starts at the top.

    August 04, 2014
  • Lawmakers and small business contractors are wondering why the Small Business Administration has not implemented the procurement reforms that President Obama signed into law 18 months ago.

    July 16, 2014
  • President Obama announced Friday that he will renew the QuickPay initative, requiring federal agencies to expedite payments to small business contractors. He also will launch SupplierPay, bringing together 26 large and small companies. SupplierPay builds on the success of QuickPay, and requires committed companies to pay small suppliers faster. It also asks them to support those suppliers' access to low-cost capital.

    July 11, 2014
  • The Small Business Administration adjusted its monetary size standards for inflation, allowing nearly 9,000 additional small businesses to qualify for loans and financial assistance.

    June 16, 2014
  • Ed Swallow, vice president, Business Development, Federal and Defense Technologies at Northrop Grumman, provide tips on what your company can do to increase its chances of winning government contracts. June 2, 2014

    June 02, 2014
  • GSA announces the winners under the new multiple-award contract for complex professional services. GSA made 225 awards to 74 contractors across the seven functional areas of the One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services contract.

    May 19, 2014
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