You’re invited What: Federal News Radio Book Club meeting on “The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media.” When: Friday (tomorrow!) Where: All you have to do is tune in to…
The Daily Beast describes the newest browser, RockMelt, which integrates social media.
Mashable reports on how the HR field can use social media to its advantage.
Computerworld Australia reports that Gov 2.0 is overly focused on internal benefits and not on public use. But Andrea DiMaio argues that making government more efficient is the outcome.
Amidst a rise in cyber attacks, OhMyGov\'s Mark Malseed joined Francis Rose on In Depth to discuss how agencies can continue to innovate in times of increased online threats.
Sharing health information is getting easier thanks to a new CDC toolkit. We get details from program director Amy Burnett.
Andrew Krzmarzick writes in the GovLoop blog about how collaboration tools have changed the way that workers learn.
Quy Huy and Andrew Shipilov of business school INSEAD write in the Harvard Business Review that their studies found that social media use and community development should come from within an organization and not outsourced.
Lovisa Williams writes in her blog that Gov 2.0 is not in a slump but in metamorphosis.
McKinsey releases a report on the top ten tech-enabled business trends, Financial Times reports.
Andrea Di Maio writes in Gartner that he notices female feds are better at social media than male feds.
Lovisa Williams, the deputy director for State\'s International Information Programs Bureau of Innovative Engagement, said her office spends about 50 percent of their time educating feds on the risks of social networking tools.
The Navy released a handbook on the safe and effective use of social media, GovFresh reports.
The Wall Street Journal reports on the surge in texting, making the use of a mobile device as a phone besides the point.
Alec Ross is the Senior Advisor for Innovation in the Office of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said 21st century statecraft already has provided some short-term successes.