Nine months since OMB issued its 25-point plan to improve how agencies oversee technology, the tone is changing. Lisa Schlosser, the federal deputy CIO, said the goal is to make sure agencies are using their people, money and other resources as best as possible. Agencies are finding some early success with the IT reforms, especially around acquisition.
A new GAO report finds gaps in the United States\' collaboration with international partners on terrorism
The State Department launched Corridor, a social network for its employees to collaborate on projects.
They say no man is an island, and neither is a federal agency. Richard Boly is director of the office of eDiplomacy at the State Department. He spoke with Federal News Radio from the Excellence in Government Conference.
USPS cancels bonuses for executives, officers and administrative staff.
Jess Ford is Director of International Affairs and Trade at GAO.
Reuters reports that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is considering a move to the World Bank
An in-depth analysis report by a Senate committee exposes inadequacies in spending on counternarcotics contracts in Latin America, which may affect future expansion to Afghanistan.
Unless changes are made \"the United States faces new waves of waste in Iraq and Afghanistan\" according to the Commission on Wartime Contracting. USAID, the Departments of Defense and State are singled out in a new commission report for their inadequate planning.
For every two vacancies in the Air Force civilian ranks, only one person will be hired.
The State Department said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has made Internet freedom one of her priorities, will deliver keynote remarks at the event.
If you\'re planning a trip abroad, you should either call the State Department\'s travel advisory service or visit its website.
Federal News Radio hears about the drawdown process and how the military is working to achieve its goals and deadlines from Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan.
State Department is moving its new internal social media network from its beta phase.
\"We are not DHS. We are not DoD,\" says Jerry Horton, chief information officer at USAID.