Tammy Flanagan

  • Non-existent sweepstakes, phony lotteries, reverse mortgage schemes and counterfeit drugs — fraudsters have unlimited imagination when if comes to separating people from their money, especially retirees and the elderly. Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director at the National Institute of Transition Planning, offers some advice on avoiding ripoffs on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    July 05, 2017
  • Do you know what's in your federal benefits package? If not you should. Federal benefits expert Tammy Flanagan will explain why when she joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn. May 31, 2017

    May 29, 2017
  • Proposed changes to the federal retirement system could force current federal employees to delay retirements and spark financial hardship for current retirees. Federal financial experts discuss these proposals, which President Donald Trump included in his full fiscal 2018 budget request.

    May 23, 2017
  • With the Trump administration proposing budget cuts and workforce reductions in other agencies, many feds could soon find themselves offered a lump sum to call it quits early. Federal News Radio's Eric White spoke with Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director at the National Institute of Transition Planning, on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about what you should consider before making a decision.

    May 22, 2017
  • If you work for Uncle Sam and you don't like your benefits package, you need help. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has just the person to talk to.

    May 10, 2017
  • Maybe the coming warm weather here has you thinking how nice it would be to go to that Tuesday day game. Face it. You've got the retirement bug. Federal Drive with Tom Temin talked with Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director at the National Institute of Transition Planning, about how to get a jump on planning.

    April 05, 2017
  • If you're lucky or wise, you'll keep adding to your Thrift Savings Plan and it keeps growing. Should you leave it or do you put it to work for you in some other way? Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director at the National Institute of Transition Planning, offers some advice for wringing the most out of your TSP on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    March 28, 2017
  • Imagine you are a contestant on the popular Jeopardy quiz show, and the category is about Uncle Sam's alphabet-soup programs for workers and retirees. Do you know the difference between CSRS and FERS?

    March 15, 2017
  • Tammy Flanagan with the National Institute of Transition Planning joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn to discuss Uncle Sam's alphabet-soup federal benefits program for workers and retirees. March 22, 2017

    March 14, 2017
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says low TSP fees may actually save federal workers money in the long run.

    February 27, 2017
  • Many federal employees will discover in this year's tax season that even if they received a pay raise, they will not keep all of it. Tammy Flanagan, a federal benefits expert from the National Institute of Transition Planning, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about the effects of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) on tax refunds.

    February 16, 2017
  • The defined pension plan has been a remarkably durable feature of federal civil service for a long time. But noise coming from the 115th Congress suggests big changes for the pension system. Higher employee contributions and even ending the defined benefit pension plan altogether are on the table. Tammy Flanagan, senior benefits director for the National Institute of Transition Planning, shares her insight on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    January 17, 2017
  • Federal employees still have to pay attention to their own health care coverage. Open season for 2017 closes midnight tonight. Federal benefits expert Tammy Flanagan joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with some last minute advice.

    December 12, 2016
  • No matter where you are in your career, even retirement, the critical decisions never seem to stop coming up. It's open season and long-time federal employees and retirees have to think hard about their options, and when to get into the Medicare. Insurance premiums are rising faster than salaries. For help sorting it out, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turns to retirement and benefits expert Tammy Flanagan.

    October 28, 2016
  • In investing, the mantra is "buy low, sell high," and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey stresses the importance of picking the exact right date to retire.

    October 14, 2016
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