TRICARE - Federal News Network - Page 8


  • The plaintiffs are also asking TRICARE to give free credit monitoring services to all 4.9 million beneficiaries.

    October 13, 2011
  • The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Amy Morris discuss throughout the show each day. The Newscast is designed to give users more information about the stories you hear on the air.

    October 06, 2011
  • The information was on computer tapes that weren\'t encrypted according to federal standards.

    October 03, 2011
  • Todd Harrison, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss how deficit-reduction proposals would affect military recruiting.

    September 27, 2011
  • The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 passed the House on a 322-96 vote. The bill determines defense spending levels and policy.

    May 26, 2011
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the military is not the cause of the nation\'s debt and deficits -- but it needs to be part of the solution. And he said finding that solution could involve reexamining military pay and benefits.

    May 25, 2011
  • Clandestine operations in cyberspace included in 2012 Defense Authorization bill.

    May 10, 2011
  • The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Thursday he will include language implementing the Defense Department\'s request to increase insurance fees for military retirees. That position is at odds with the panel\'s subcommittee on military personnel, which on Wednesday unanimously approved language which would prohibit the increase.

    May 06, 2011
  • DOD\'s Tricare Management Activity is not only one of the world\'s biggest health care providers. It is also a big acquisition organization. We learn more from TMA\'s Michael Fischetti.

    April 12, 2011
  • TRICARE, the Defense Department\'s managed healthcare organization, said Thursday that it will reevaluate a multibillion dollar award to administer health insurance services for military members in one of its three U.S. regions.

    April 08, 2011
  • Members of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel are studying the Defense Department\'s proposal to increase fees for working-age retirees who use the military\'s TRICARE health insurance benefit. The panel heard, in separate hearings, from DoD officials defending the increase, and retiree groups who fear it is a \"camel\'s nose under the tent.\"

    March 16, 2011
  • DoD officials were on Capitol Hill Tuesday defending their proposed increases to TRICARE premiums.

    March 16, 2011
  • UnitedHealthcare is protesting the Defense Department\'s decision to reverse course and award a multibillion-dollar insurance contract to competitor Humana.

    March 08, 2011
  • Continuing to operate at 2010 funding levels under a continuing resolution would be a crisis for the military, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday. He made the remarks at a briefing detailing DoD\'s proposed budget for 2012.

    February 15, 2011
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last week that he wants to increase health insurance premiums for working-age military retirees by a \"modest\" amount to take pressure off of DoD\'s ballooning health care budget. Groups that represent retirees say Gates\' past proposals for TRICARE hikes have been anything but modest.

    January 12, 2011