White House

  • OMB details hundreds of thousands of furloughs and cuts to nearly every agency program. Danny Werfel, OMB controller, said the effective percentage cut to each civilian agency would be about 9 percent and 13 percent for DoD over the next seven months.

    February 08, 2013
  • The White House reaffirmed its commitment to an open and transparent government in President Barack Obama's second term. But government watchdog advocates say their frustration is growing with the slow and inconsistent progress agencies are making to make information more easily available.

    January 18, 2013
  • Federal employees got the news they were waiting for today. The White House announced they'll be given the day off on Monday, Dec. 24, giving them a four-day weekend many had been hoping for.

    December 21, 2012
  • The Public Interest Declassification Board submitted 14 recommendations to President Barack Obama at the end of November. The suggestions cover everything from moving out of the three-tiered classification system to a two-tiered process to strengthening the National Archives and Records Administration's National Declassification Center to giving federal employees "safe harbor" protection if they adhere to a rigorous risk management process in how they perform their classification duties.

    December 10, 2012
  • A new report from independent watchdog group OMB Watch suggests the White House has a few tools at its disposal to blunt the impact of the automatic, across-the-board cuts. The strategies include shifting funds around within agencies and the Office of Management and Budget and agencies, themselves, shifting funds and controlling the rate of federal spending, said Patrick Lester, the director of federal fiscal policy for OMB Watch.

    November 08, 2012
  • Federal News Radio polled current and former federal cybersecurity experts for their opinions on what were the most significant cybersecurity accomplishments since 2006 to secure federal networks and improve public- private partnerships. The accomplishments are in no particular order.

    October 23, 2012
  • White House senior director for cybersecurity Andy Ozment said budget folks are getting a better understanding of why cybersecurity is important thanks to the administration's high- priority governmentwide goals. NIST also is helping push the cross-agency goals forward from a technical perspective.

    October 12, 2012
  • The Energy and Homeland Security departments are working with companies in the electricity sector to come up with a baseline set of cybersecurity standards. Michael Daniel, the White House cyber coordinator, said the framework is making a difference in how owners and operators secure their networks. But Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said without liability protections expansion of these efforts isn't likely.

    September 27, 2012
  • The administration has struggled to fulfill its promise to take enough concrete steps to make cybersecurity a national security priority. Experts say the White House fell short in several areas, most notably in getting comprehensive cyber legislation passed.

    September 18, 2012
  • The Select Committee on Intelligence member wrote a letter to White House Cyber Coordinator Michael Daniel asking him to make sure any mandate doesn't harm the networks used for interactive computer services.

    September 13, 2012
  • The administration is considering using an executive order to promote and encourage critical infrastructure providers to improve their cybersecurity. The draft EO, which Federal News Radio obtained details of, mirrors major sections of the second version of the Lieberman- Collins comprehensive cyber bill.

    September 07, 2012
  • Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator Cass Sunstein is returning to Harvard, where he was the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law before coming to the Obama administration in 2009.

    August 03, 2012
  • The White House is updating its 2010 trade secret theft and counterfeit product prevention strategy. The new plan will incorporate public input, which the administration is currently soliciting from stakeholders.

    July 30, 2012
  • Prosecutors declined Tuesday to file criminal charges against former U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson, saying a seizure caused a bizarre series of traffic collisions that led to his resignation.

    July 04, 2012