The nine biggest contractors make more than 70 percent of their revenue from the federal government.
Kevin Connelly is a partner at Seyfarth Shaw. He has chaired the firm\'s government contracts practice group since 2002.
Debra Filippi is a former federal employee and is now a Principal Consultant at Suss Consulting.
Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel detailed in a memo what agencies must do to reduce the number of agency websites. He extended the freeze on new dot-gov domains through Dec. 31.
Bewtra also shares what he thinks agencies can to do make doing business with government easier.
GAO will decide the complaints by Oct. 17. Both companies say GSA\'s request for proposal is unfair because of its requirement for a government-only cloud.
Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn said a new pilot program that allows for more cybersecurity information sharing between the Pentagon and contractors appears to be working well.
Today on the Federal Drive: The Defense Intelligence Agency wants to ease the revolving door so it\'s younger workforce can return if they depart and the GAO rates a Federal Protective Service project poorly.
Jacques Gansler is the former undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics.
On today\'s Federal Drive: VA\'s new social media policy, the Army restarts its cloud email migration and more buyouts at federal agencies.
Jim McAleese, of McAleese and Associates, joined the Federal Drive to discuss how the super committee\'s deficit cuts could affect the Defense Department\'s budget and its acquisition.
John Hagan, managing director and head of the Aerospace, Defense & Government Services Investment Banking Group of BB&T Capital Markets at the Windsor Group, discusses the value of your company\'s intellectual property.
A bipartisan group of senators is urging the Defense Department to release information on contractor debt collection after the department\'s Inspector General report found deficiencies in DoD\'s debt collection practices.
The Pentagon is preparing a new approach that will allow it to buy and develop cybersecurity capabilities more quickly. If it succeeds, officials said they plan to expand it to other areas of IT.
On today\'s Federal Drive: USPS announced it\'s considering massive job cuts, Veterans Affairs large-scale IT contract under siege from bid protests and expanded benefits to the post-9/11 GI Bill.