There\'s a new reality show in the works with a cast of millions. If everything goes wrong, says Senior Correspondent turned TV critic Mike Causey, it will debut in early March with a cast of millions who will get paid nothing for their trouble.
Where were you during the last government shutdown? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has tracked down some survivors who relive what, for some, was a nightmare while others recall it as the good old days.
Jessica Klement of the Federal Managers Association joins the show to discuss the feeling about feds in Congress. Plus, Federal Times\' Steve Watkins and Steve Losey talk about what a government shutdown could look like this time around. February 23, 2011
The possibility of a government shutdown next month is very real. So what were the lessons learned in the last big shutdown 15 years ago? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is plenty of history, but a lot of it is being written by people who weren\'t in government, or who were maybe teenagers when it happened.
A year ago this month, a federal worker in Texas was killed for being in the wrong place (his office) at the wrong time. Last week two federal agents were murdered, and two others killed, doing their jobs. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says we shouldn\'t, ever, forget these men.
When it comes time to retire will you be financially able to pull the plug? For one in three Americans the answer is \'No\'. But for federal and postal employees, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the picture is much brighter and tells you how working feds can get hands on help.
February is supposed to be the month of love, but for federal workers it\'s been more like the St. Valentine\'s Day Massacre. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know what\'s next.
To make an omelette you have to break eggs, right? Using that recipe as his guide, the Speaker of the House says as many as 200,000 federal workers may have to go to help trim the deficit. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says this puts him in the running for two prestigious, competing awards.
On this week\'s show, host Mike Causey talks with NTEU president Colleen Kelley and Federal Times\' Steve Watkins about different budget plans being considered and how they might hit you, or your agency, in the wallet.
Federal workers are under a two-year pay freeze, Congress is looking at furloughs and pension cuts and yet, we are told, these are the good old days. Things may get tougher for you and your agency. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says while it may not be the end of the world, this is definitely not just a drill.
A year ago the idea of a one year federal pay freeze was laughable, but things change and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the prospect of a 5-year pay is definitely a possibility.
Millions of retired federal workers are still in shock over their February annuity checks. Many got $20 to $50 less than they had expected. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a hotline telephone number.
Were you ever an unwilling passenger in a high-speed, high-stakes game of chicken? Well, if you work for Uncle Sam, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you are on board for what could be the ride of your life. Or job.
Unless you are a multi-millionaire or you were born on the planet Krypton, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today, about the not so joyous golden years, is a must read.
On this week\'s show, host Mike Causey talks with the Federal Times about fast-changing federal issues including the continuing resolution, the FY 2012 budget and the pay freeze proposals on the Hill. February 9, 2011