The Republic will continue to function if the MSPB lacks board members. But what about fairness and accountability?
Former Homeland Security CHCO Jeff Neal agrees that improving morale at DHS is a good idea. He just wonders if Congress is taking the right approach.
Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, says the Defense Acquisition Streaming and Transparency Act seeks to streamline the Defense Department’s acquisition system and improve transparency in the acquisition system.
The truth is federal employees are in every state, The abstract concept of cutting the federal workforce runs into the reality that federal employees are constituents, and most members of Congress are interested in protecting jobs in their districts.
Ethical people don't need a code of ethics, while crooks and cheaters don't care whether you have one.
J. Kevin Reid, vice president of national security and CIO for KeyLogic Systems, makes the case why the NIST cybersecurity framework gives everyone a basis to start in the same place when talking about protecting systems and networks.
Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, says the merging of TTS into FAS is a positive, strategic step for GSA, and has the potential to be a game-changer.
If you want to get an inkling of why the federal budget process takes so long, just watch a typical budget hearing.
Tom Walker, founder of Walker Capital Preservation Group, Inc., outlines basic questions every federal employee should ask themselves as they develop their plan for retirement.
Beginning with the release of the president’s budget proposal, federal workers have been talking and worrying about downsizing. While worrying may be OK for some folks, others want to know more, federal HR expert Jeff Neal says.
The bill is a significant civil service change that some believe is a great reform and others believe could undermine the civil service, says federal HR expert Jeff Neal.
Hal Glassman, a career federal employee who worked in public affairs, pushes back against Federal Drive’s Tom Temin’s column about public affairs officers.
Mike McGill, a long-time former press officer for the General Services Administration, responds to Federal Drive’s Tom Temin’s column highlighting the need for federal press officers to have personal and frequent communications with members of the media.
Orion Hindawi, CEO and co-founder of Tanium, offers three guiding principles to reform the IT acquisition process.
Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, takes a look at what the General Services Administration and Department of Homeland Security discussed at their industry day focusing on the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.