Acquisition Policy

  • NextLOGiK CEO Kirk Couser and Director Chad Baker explain how their products can help federal agencies with data collection. November 11, 2014

    November 11, 2014
  • Tom Sisti, chief legislative counsel at SAP will discuss procurement reform and the challenges facing the procurement system. November 11, 2014

    November 11, 2014
  • Although many have retired, the later wave of Vietnam veterans are still active in the federal workforce, including John Grant, the Region Eight customer accounts and research director in the Federal Acquisition Service at the General Services Administration. At one time in special forces, Grant worked in the technology industry before joining the federal government. He's also active in the ACT-IAC group. Grant spoke with Tom Temin at the recent ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg.

    November 11, 2014
  • Consultant Harold Good and immixGrop co-founder and Senior Vice President Steve Charles give us their take on cooperative purchasing agreements. November 10, 2014

    November 10, 2014
  • The General Services Administration released an RFI seeking industry input on how best to improve the "management and operations functions that include ordering, billing, inventory and service level agreements management" and "pricing concepts."

    November 07, 2014
  • The General Services Administration has set aside 1.5 percent of its personnel budget for training and reinvestment in skills for the next fiscal year. GSA Administrator Dan Tangherlini says the focus will be on customer relations and evolving with technology. Federal News Radio's Executive Editor Jason Miller caught up with Tangherlini at the National Contract Management Association's annual government symposium. Tangherlini described his relationship with the Office of Management and Budget's Deputy Director for Management Beth Cobert and some of the things they're working on together on the Federal Drive.

    November 05, 2014
  • House Oversight and Government Reform and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees agree on trimmed down version of the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA). Now it's up to the armed services committees to keep FITARA in the Defense Authorization bill.

    November 05, 2014
  • Steve Schooner, Nash & Cibinic professor of Government Procurement Law and co-director of the Government Procurement Law Program at the George Washington University Law School, will discuss procurement reform and other acquisition issues with host Roger Waldron. November 4, 2014

    November 04, 2014
  • Kevin Youel Page is named the new deputy commissioner of FAS, replacing Bill Sisk, who shifted to an assistant commissioner position. GSA also publicly unveils the first three hallways under category management.

    November 03, 2014
  • The General Services Administration is using new data to enhance its customer service. At the National Contract Management Association's 33rd annual Government Contract Management Symposium, GSA Senior Procurement Executive Jeff Koses spoke with Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller about the agency's recent survey results and the improved vendor interactions the data is pointing them toward.

    November 03, 2014
  • Rumors have been circulating over the last few months about a possible reconsideration of the identity management technologies agencies are implementing under Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 (HSPD-12).

    November 03, 2014
  • GSA awarded Booz Allen a $64.5 million contract over the next five years to develop a cloud service broker model using open source and cloud technologies to modernize the 10 databases that make up IAE.

    November 03, 2014
  • Better information will lead to better buying. That's the premise behind new efforts from the Federal Acquisition Service at the General Services Administration. Tom Sharpe (the head of FAS) and other GSA leaders detailed those efforts at the Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg this week. Mary Davie is Assistant Commissioner of the Office of Integrated Technology Services at the Federal Acquisition Service. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she detailed the information you can get, and how it will help with buying decisions.

    October 30, 2014
  • The 7-month-old innovation lab will launch three pilots this fall as part of its new consulting services. Greg Godbout, the executive director of 18F, said the organization now has 100 employees, up from 14 in March, and cut the time to hire down to about eight weeks.

    October 30, 2014