Lisa Dezzutti and Monica Mayk of Market Connections join host Mark Amtower to discuss the top challenges that contractors face in marketing to the federal government, and how shrinking budgets are impacting marketing. May 4, 2015
The Federal Acquisition Service is launching the Competitive Pricing initiative. GSA is sending letters to vendors to figure out why there are price differences among the same or similar products and services.
Jason Carey and Luke Meier from McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, join host Roger Waldron to discuss the uptick in bid protests and what that means for government and industry. April 28, 2015
Kerry Rea, president of, and Claudia Hosky, publisher of, join host Mark Amtower to talk about the importance of business to government events. April 27, 2015
New data reflects the Obama administration\'s efforts to pare back their lists of cleared employees and contractors to those who need access to classified data in order to do their jobs and to buckle down on insider-threat programs.
Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss the state of federal procurement, the GSA multiple award schedule program, and strategic sourcing. April 21, 2015
Geoff Livingston, president of Tenacity5 Media will discuss the state of social media with host Mark Amtower. April 20, 2015
If a program manager asks a company to bid on a highly technical requirement, you want to be sure the winning contractor or its subs can actually do the work. If it uses consultants to win the work, you could have a problem. That\'s the gist of a recent protest case that ruled out consultants. Joe Petrillo is a procurement attorney at Petrillo and Powell in Washington. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on this case.
DHS and OMB says the continuous diagnostics and mitigation program will begin to show \'intrinsic value\' to the government as more and more agencies benefit from the cyber tools and services. GSA\'s $39 million award to Booz Allen is the second of six awards for tools and services under the program.
FITARA, the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act, can help agencies save money. But what about contractors? They\'ve also got to live with the new law. Anthony Robbins, the vice president of federal at Brocade, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to provide one view of how FITARA is affecting them.
Kevin Youel Page, deputy commissioner for the Federal Acquisition Service, joins host Roger Waldron, to discuss the impacts of category management, and the future of the Common Acquisition Platform. April 14, 2015
The National Institutes of Health awarded its Chief Information Officer - Commodities and Solutions Governmentwide Acquisition Contract Tuesday to 65 vendors.
The case of Neustar versus the federal government provides one of this year\'s most important cautionary tales. It\'s risky to become overly dependent on a single federal contract, even a long-term one. Eventually, everything comes up for recompete. Neustar, which manages cell phone number portability under an FCC contract, lost its recompete last year to Ericsson. It\'s been protesting ever since. Jonathan Aberman, the managing director of Amplifier Ventures, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain more about the Neustar case.
Lisa Dezzutti and Monica Mayk of Market Connections join host Mark Amtower to discuss the top challenges that contractors face in marketing to the federal government, and how shrinking budgets are impacting marketing. April 13, 2015
Washington, D.C. is a great place to look for business deals with federal agencies. But it\'s not the only place. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners and publisher of the Week Ahead newsletter, has a top-three list for increasing federal business opportunities. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he says the first is to think outside of the capital city.