
  • Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has said he wants to increase security at federal buildings. But the FPS, the agency responsible for doing so, may not be up to the task. GAO's Mark Goldstein said the FPS has a number of long-standing problems to solve before it can adequately protect anyone.

    November 05, 2014
  • Steve Schooner, Nash & Cibinic professor of Government Procurement Law and co-director of the Government Procurement Law Program at the George Washington University Law School, will discuss procurement reform and other acquisition issues with host Roger Waldron. November 4, 2014

    November 04, 2014
  • Government and commercial contracting are two very different beasts. In the government, the buck stops with the contracting officer. Tim Sullivan, a veteran of the contracting world, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to explain the third myth in his "10 Myths of Government Contracting" series.

    November 04, 2014
  • Contracting expert Tim Sullivan says vendors that want to have good relationships with the agencies they do business with must remember one thing. Nothing happens in government contracting unless the contracting officer says it does.

    November 04, 2014
  • Bob Laclede, vice president of Channels for the immixGroup, joins host Mark Amtower to discuss how his organization is helping channel participants do more business with the government. November 3, 2014

    November 03, 2014
  • Some vendors use the phrase "contractors as pinatas" to describe how they feel about the assortment of new rules and regulations coming from the Obama administration. Aaron Raddock, a manager in the government contractor advisory services practice at the consulting firm Baker Tilly, spoke with Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller at the National Contract Management Association's 33rd annual Government Contract Management Symposium to discuss how vendors can avoid the strike zone.

    November 03, 2014
  • The General Services Administration is using new data to enhance its customer service. At the National Contract Management Association's 33rd annual Government Contract Management Symposium, GSA Senior Procurement Executive Jeff Koses spoke with Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller about the agency's recent survey results and the improved vendor interactions the data is pointing them toward.

    November 03, 2014
  • GSA awarded Booz Allen a $64.5 million contract over the next five years to develop a cloud service broker model using open source and cloud technologies to modernize the 10 databases that make up IAE.

    November 03, 2014
  • TechAmerica reports that O&M spending has and will continue to hold steady between 2011 and 2015 ranging from 70 percent to 78 percent of the total IT budget.

    November 03, 2014
  • Three individuals parties were implicated in a bribery/kickback scheme involving Boeing military aircraft parts.

    October 31, 2014
  • The Science and Technology Directorate's Cybersecurity Division received dozens of proposals to protect the next emerging area for cybersecurity, called physical systems. S&T will receive 70 proposals across four major areas and award $95 million to the best ideas in early 2015.

    October 31, 2014
  • When Congress resumes, Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton is set to introduce a bill that directs federal agencies to give preferential points to federal government vendors based on their labor practices. Norton's is the latest in a series of bills and orders designed to improve working conditions for federal contracting employees.

    October 30, 2014
  • An agency denies a federal contractor access to its facility after learning that he's visited family in West Africa, in one sign of the confusion amid contradictory guidance from the White House, Pentagon and elsewhere.

    October 30, 2014
  • Katrina McFarland, the assistant secretary of Defense for acquisition, said senior officials review solicitations before they get Milestone A approval to move into the technology development phase. This type of analysis had been missing previously or only done after it was too late.

    October 29, 2014