
  • Talent acquisition manager Mike Bruni will discuss how to get a job in what is a competitive and challenging federal market. July 11, 2014

    July 11, 2014
  • President Obama announced Friday that he will renew the QuickPay initative, requiring federal agencies to expedite payments to small business contractors. He also will launch SupplierPay, bringing together 26 large and small companies. SupplierPay builds on the success of QuickPay, and requires committed companies to pay small suppliers faster. It also asks them to support those suppliers' access to low-cost capital.

    July 11, 2014
  • When it comes to the contractors working for your federal agency, how do they stack up? Are they trained and ready to hit the ground running when they walk in the door? Or, are their skills sub-par, frustrating the feds they've been hired to work with? There are lots of answers to these questions. Federal News Radio's Web Manager Julia Ziegler joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss some of your answers.

    July 11, 2014
  • Tiffany Hixson, the professional services category executive at GSA's Federal Acquisition Service discusses the new professional services category management agenda for FAS and what it means for customer agencies and contractors. July 8, 2014

    July 08, 2014
  • Former Deputy Defense Secretary Bill Lynn says the Pentagon needs to adjust its strategy to take advantage of the global and commercial technology markets.

    July 08, 2014
  • New analysis shows that agencies are trending away from single award contracts in favor of task orders against multiple award contracts. At the same time they're consolidating MACs to cut down on duplication. It all means some agencies are downright slow in getting awards out the door. Miguel Garrido is a quantitative analyst with Bloomberg Government. He examined contracting opportunities among agencies and compared the timing trends between them. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss what he found.

    July 08, 2014
  • Joe Pulizzi, founder and executive director of the Content Marketing Institute, will discuss how to use content marketing to generate more business for your company. July 7, 2014

    July 07, 2014
  • ASM Research won a three-year, $162 million contract to help modernize the electronic health records system at the Veterans Affairs Department. The VistA system has been at the center of a modernization and expansion debate for years.

    July 03, 2014
  • The Department of Health and Human Services isn't following in the footsteps of the Oscar winning movie, Dallas Buyers Club. Rather, HHS is trying to help contracting officers recognize agile and iterative approaches to buying and managing technology programs.

    July 03, 2014
  • The General Services Administration and the Homeland Security Department are putting the final touches on the next set of contracts that will truly kickstart the federal move toward dynamic cybersecurity protections of agency networks and computers. The two agencies will release six task orders under the $6 billion CDM program in the coming year to implement tools and services across more than 40 agencies.

    July 02, 2014
  • Tony Fuller, principal at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP, joins host Roger Waldron for a wide ranging discussion of GSA schedule pricing. July 1, 2014

    July 01, 2014
  • InSysCo received a multi-year contract to help the tax agency move to a data-centric organization.

    July 01, 2014
  • Ford Heard, the Veterans Affairs associate deputy assistant secretary for Procurement Policy, Systems and Oversight, said his office will launch the acquisition corps and program management framework in the coming months to further professionalize the agency's acquisition workforce. A Federal News Radio survey of chief acquisition officers and other senior acquisition managers says workforce training and retention remain among their biggest priorities and challenges.

    July 01, 2014
  • Author John Jantsch will talk about his new book: "Duct Tape Selling: Think Like a Marketer-Sell Like a Superstar". June 30, 2014

    June 30, 2014