Although scandal rocked the General Services Administration's leadership this last week, it remains unclear whether the four regional commissioners out on leave would face criminal prosecution.
The Army issued a request for proposals to develop protective underwear for warfighters. The boxer-style briefs would provide projection from improvised explosive devices.
U.S. Special Forces Command awarded two big contracts to Arma Global Corporation and Thales Communications.
Bill Doucette, head of Federal Sector Sales at the U.S. Postal Service, joins host Roger Waldron to talk about some of the agency's programs and services. April 3, 2012
Lockheed Martin and Austal are currently building 55 Littoral Combat Ships for the Navy. Kevin Brancato, a defense analyst for BGov and author of the report, "'Real Competition' for The Littoral Combat Ship," discusses how the Navy's competition between the two contractors may serve as a model for future acquisitions.
Market Connections President Lisa Dezzutti joins host Mark Amtower to discuss how federal agencies are using traditional and social media in their marketing efforts. April 2, 2012
A Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee subcommittee heard testimony Thursday on a seemingly simple subject: Is it cheaper for the federal government to employ its own workforce or hire contractors? But industry groups representing government contractors say the question is often more complicated than it might seem.
The Federal Aviation Administration has chosen cybersecurity firm Lunarline to lock down personally identifiable information in its systems. The company says it\'ll help the agency prevent unauthorized access and disclosure of such material.
Acting administrator Lesley Field said this version will focus on trying to dispel myths commonly held by industry. Agencies also posted their vendor communications plans on as part of the initial Mythbusters campaign.
Gregory Wilshusen, GSA\'s director of information security issue, discussed a recent report about IT supply chain risks with The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp
Steve Kempf, commissioner of federal acquisition service at GSA, joined The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp before his speech at the Acquisition Excellence conference
Kshemendra Paul, Information Sharing Environment\'s program manager, joined The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp at the Acquisition Excellence Conference in Washington.
Iris Cooper is executive director of VA\'s Office of Acquisition Operations. She joined The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp at the Acquisition Excellence conference in Washington to talk about the agency\'s T-4 services contract.
The Army has released the implementation plan for how it will get its networked systems to a state it calls the \"common operating environment.\" The strategy is designed to phase out stovepiped systems and begin building technologies to a common set of open standards.
An Oracle investor has sued the company, following a $200 million settlement with the federal government.