Motorola\'s Jim Mears discusses the need for industry and government to communicate prior to a request for proposal. Mears was a guest on In Depth with Francis Rose\'s Industry Chatter series.
Senior Army leaders and Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter have scheduled an Army Modernization Review meeting for December 22nd.
WFED\'s Jason Miller gives an update on NARA\'s cancellation of the contract for the electronic records archive.
A Congressionally-mandated report issued by the Defense Department finds the acquisition and budget processes being used for IT were designed for major weapons systems - not 21st century computer systems. The recommendations would let DoD keep pace with rapid developments in the IT marketplace.
The bill aims to improve acquisition workforce training, increase accountability and expand the use of the Acquisition Workforce Training Fund.
Katrina McFarland takes over for Frank Anderson as the new head of the Defense Acquisition University. DAU also will provide help for all agencies in buying services.
Fierce Government IT reports that the Defense Department wants to streamline how IT is funded for the agency.
One prominent defense analyst said Boeing executives have grown pessimistic about winning the $35 billion contract.
The $1.1 trillion Senate omnibus bill would authorize President Obama\'s pay freeze proposal. But it protects against furloughs or reductions-in-force. The Senate\'s bill would replace the House\'s version, which is a continuing resolution. Lawmakers must approve a bill before Dec. 19 when the current CR expires.
Former USDA CIO Anne Reed responds to OMB\'s plan to reform IT management.
Politico reports that Boeing may be at a disadvantage to EADS for winning the Air Force tanker contract award.
This week, host Larry Allen talks with Roger Morse, a Principal at Capitol Pathfinders. December 14, 2010 (Encore Presentation)
The Navy has delayed awarding a contract to build 20 Littoral Combat ships.
DISA\'s Tony Montemorano explains the delay in the request for proposal for the Global Information Grid.