
  • A new survey by TechAmerica and Grant Thornton found many agency chief information officers continue to spend too much on legacy systems and don't have money to develop or modernize new software or applications. But tools such as PortfolioStat are making a difference in helping senior IT managers understand and have a say in where money is spent in their agency.

    June 06, 2014
  • Eleven vendors submitted protests to GAO over GSA's desire to extend the OS2 contract another six months. The contractors say GSA's extension would violate the Small Business Jobs Act because they didn't do a contract consolidation impact assessment.

    June 05, 2014
  • Chief human capital officers say the inability to do targeted internship announcements is frustrating and reducing effectiveness of the program. The Office of Personnel Management says it's working with agencies to address these challenges, including initiatives to target specific skillsets.

    June 04, 2014
  • Former GSA Administrator Martha Johnson sits down with Women of Washington hosts Aileen Black and GiGi Schumm to offer an insider's perspective on Eric Shinseki's recent resignation from the Veterans Affairs Department.

    June 04, 2014
  • John Hillen, executive in residence and professor of practice at George Mason University's School of Management will discuss the growth of the GovCon services market. June 3, 2014

    June 03, 2014
  • Reps. Grace Meng and Tim Walberg introduce a provision in the Defense authorization bill to require GAO to study the impact of strategic sourcing on small businesses. GSA also is facing more than two dozen protests over its current and future office supplies contracts and now OASIS.

    June 03, 2014
  • Ed Swallow, vice president, Business Development, Federal and Defense Technologies at Northrop Grumman, provide tips on what your company can do to increase its chances of winning government contracts. June 2, 2014

    June 02, 2014
  • Maryland has declared itself the epicenter of cybersecurity. At least Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) has. She helped establish the Maryland Cybersecurity Roundtable. That move was recommended by the Federal Facilities Advisory Board last year. Tom and Emily spoke with Len Moodispaw on the Federal Drive. He's CEO of KEYW Corporation and President of the newly-formed Maryland Cybersecurity Roundtable.

    June 02, 2014
  • You may think you've heard enough advice on cloud computing. But there's always something new to learn. That's the idea behind the just-published Cloud Buyer's Guide for Government. It was produced by the Tech America Foundation. Tom and Emily spoke with Mike Hettinger of TechAmerica on the Federal Drive about this update in cloud computing.

    June 02, 2014
  • "Inside the DoD's Reporter's Notebook" is a bi-weekly feature focused on news about the Defense Department and defense community as gathered by Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu. Submit your ideas, suggestions and news tips to Jared via email.

    June 02, 2014
  • Big data programs are helping the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services protect hundreds of millions of dollars from fraud, according to the White House. The Obama Administration says it's trying to introduce more big data programs to help other agencies save money, but privacy concerns and other roadblocks might slow progress down. Christian Heiter, chief technology officer of Hitachi Data Systems Federal, was Francis Rose's guest on Industry Chatter. He talked about how big data initiatives will help agencies save money and the challenges agencies may have implementing them.

    May 29, 2014
  • The Justice Department alleges CA has violated since 2002 terms of its GSA schedules contract and over-charged the government for IT hardware and software.

    May 29, 2014
  • Former contract employee was charged with allegedly defrauding the United States in connection with a contract to provide reconstruction-related services in Afghanistan.

    May 29, 2014
  • Bill Gormley, president of the Gormley Group and chairman of the Coalition for Government Procurement discusses innovation, contract duplication, and other issues with host Roger Waldron. May 27, 2014

    May 27, 2014
  • Author John Jantsch will talk about his new book: "Duct Tape Selling: Think Like a Marketer-Sell Like a Superstar". May 26, 2014

    May 26, 2014