The three military department's top acquisition officials say they are each undergoing examinations of their contract spending on services. The goal is to ensure that the current, highly-decentralized service contracting process is serving valid military missions.
The Pentagon is implementing most of the recommendations it made in 2010's Section 804 report to Congress. Katrina McFarland, DoD's assistant secretary for acquisition, said initial results of the change are promising. But an upcoming GAO report is expected to show DoD has a long way to go to move toward an agile, incremental approach to IT systems development.
In times of constrained budgets, agencies are cutting and consolidating services to save money and resources. Could it be the key to transforming government? A new report looks at what three agencies are doing right.
The chairman of the Small Business Committee plans to introduce two bills today. One will increase the governmentwide small business prime contracting goal to 25 percent from 23 percent. The other focuses on contract bundling and data transparency.
Jon Etherton, president of Etherton and Associates, Inc., will discuss whether Congress will pass acquisition reform this year. February 25, 2014
Rep. Jeff Duncan releases a discussion draft of a bill to add more discipline and oversight to the Homeland Security Department's acquisition process.
B2B social media guru Paul Gillin will discuss leveraging social media for corporate growth. February 24, 2014
The first of two contracts letting agencies buy complex professional services kicked off with awards going to 123 small businesses.
Departments have a week to finalize their plans to implement information security continuous monitoring by 2017. State and DHS already are heading down the new cyber path, and are excited to take advantage of the standard suite of products and services under the CDM contract.
On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will examine how the harsh winter weather is affecting housing starts in the U.S. February 20, 2014
Annette Moore, the chief information officer at the Johnson Space Center, said she's reshaping her office to be more flexible and agile in meeting the IT needs of the mission areas. February 20, 2014
The Pentagon will release a new strategy Thursday to address the growing spectrum needs. It will emphasize agile sharing of radio spectrum between government and industry.
Senior Executives Association President Carol Bonosaro, and Federal Timres reporters Sean Reilly and Andy Medici, will discuss legislation introduced in the U.S. House, that would make it easier for agency leaders to fire senior executives. February 19, 2014
President Barack Obama is pushing the dozens of agencies that have a hand in the export-import process to speed up processing times and eliminate redundant paperwork requests that hamper companies seeking to export American-made products. Currently, businesses interested in importing or exporting goods must submit reams of paperwork to as many as 48 different federal agencies.
Emile Monette, senior advisor for Cybersecurity for GSA's Office of Mission Assurance, and Carter Schoenberg, director of Cyber Security Services at CALIBRE systems, join host John Gilroy to talk about how to use the acquisition process to improve cybersecurity at your agency. February 18, 2014