Ed Meagher, a vice president at contracting giant CSC, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss how Operation Jump-Start helps veterans find civilian careers.
Kay Sears, president of Intelsat General Corporation, will talk about how the federal communications marketplace is changing. January 17, 2012
The White House is taking a new step toward reducing duplicative government programs and reorganizing agencies. John Kamensky of the IBM Center for the Business of Government and Ira Shapiro, an international trade lawyer, give analysis on the recent administration proposals.
Michael Hackmer, senior community manager for GovWin joins host Mark Amtower to talk about the organization. January 16, 2011(Encore presentation February 27, 2012)
Guy Timberlake, the chief visionary officer at the American Small Business Coalition, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the recently announced federal reorganization. Specifically, what will change on a day-to-day level — for agency employees and small-business owners — with the elevation of the Small Business Administration, to a Cabinet-level post.
Jacques Gansler, former undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss competition in contracting, including in-sourcing and A-76 public-private contracts.
Federal employees who use their own vehicles for official business will see no change in their reimbursement rates this year, according to a bulletin from the General Services Administration.
The federal CIO said the final document should be available by early April. Steven VanRoekel also wants to give agencies new contracts for devices and services within the next 180 days. Industry will be expected to provide answers to a series of questions about standards, security and privacy.
Dr. Andrea Morris, BRAC Coordinator for Arlington County in Virgina, talks about the impact of BRAC on local communities. January 13, 2012(Encore presentation January 27, 2012)
Elaine Clancy, director of leasing at the General Services Administration\'s Public Buildings Service, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the federal government\'s leasing landscape.
As part of a sweeping government reorganization first unveiled nearly a year ago, President Barack Obama announced the elevation of the Small Business Administration to a cabinet-level agency.
The Senate is set to take up comprehensive cyber legislation in January that already is causing experts heartburn. Provisions to give the Homeland Security Department more authorities, including taking \"any lawful action\" to stop cyber attacks against systems holding federal data, are coming under fire. Industry experts are optimistic Congress will pass major cyber reform.
Tim Hoechst, the chief technology officer at Agilex, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the process and what he, and the broader IT contracting industry, would like to see.
Larry Allen of Allen Federal Business Partners, joined Industry Chatter with Francis Rose to discuss his perspective on how the contracting community will fare throughout the year.
Members of the public have until Jan. 20 to submit ideas for the National Dialogue on Federal Mobility Strategy.