The Homeland Security Department will attempt to salvage its nearly three-year effort to move to Interior’s shared services.
Gormley Group President Bill Gormley joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf, for a wide ranging discussion of the opportunities, challenges and dynamics surrounding the presidential transition. July 25, 2017
In part 2 of his column about category management, IBM’s Tim Wood details how agencies can get started.
Tim Wood, vice president and partner for the Supply Chain Management Practice, IBM Global Business Services, details how agencies can take advantage of the concept of cognitive category management to save money and drive efficiencies.
Benjamin Bergersen, the chief information officer of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, said the agency uses a combination of NIST documents, FedRAMP information and other data to understand and mitigate risk to their IT systems.
The Office of Management and Budget and new White House Office of American Innovation are working together on a 90-day sprint to develop a series of work streams on a variety of topics. Teams will recommend new ideas on ways to improve shared services mechanisms, the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) policy and federal hiring process.
The Office of Management and Budget issued implementation guidance for the cybersecurity executive order, giving agencies four deadlines over the next three months.
President Donald Trump’s much anticipated and long-waited executive order refocuses agencies' cybersecurity efforts and further details the new American Technology Council’s role.
Contracting trends will likely continue into the next fiscal year. The only difference will be which agencies are spending the money.
Linda Springer, a senior adviser at OMB, said the Trump administration is borrowing from past administrations and modifying many long-held concepts to reorganize and restructure the government.
The Office of Management and Budget’s ambitious plan to reorganize and restructure the government is asking agencies to consider ideas such as shared services, insourcing and outsourcing and all-but-mandating the use of existing multiple-award contracts. These concepts have real potential to change and transform agencies and their mission areas.
Beth Killoran, the chief information officer at the Department of Health and Human Services, said over the past two years the agency went from having about 1 percent of all systems in the cloud to an expected 41 percent by the end of 2017.
The federal inspectors general community has an opportunity, as the federal hiring freeze and other resources continue to tighten, to share administrative and mission areas services.
The Agriculture Department’s National Finance Center, which provides payroll for 650,000 federal employees, has initiated its continuity of operations plan after New Orleans was hit by severe weather.
The Unified Shared Services Management office released a concept of operations and an RFI for software-as-a-service as part of its plan to continue moving the initiative forward in 2017.