Nearly two years after Congress passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, the intelligence community says it's laid the groundwork for a public-private cyber threat hub, but it's still far from the "cyber 911" that lawmakers and agencies envisioned.
Clark Campbell, vice president, Public Sector for BDNA, joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk to discuss the benefits of Continuous Diagnostic Monitoring, and how hsi company can help improve the cybersecurity of your agency. March 21, 2017
The Homeland Security Department is working with the administration to support President Donald Trump's cyber priorities, including protection of critical infrastructure and strengthening the cyber workforce.
The Office of Personnel Management said scammers are posing as federal agents and trying to get money from federal retirees.
Tom Bossert, assistant to the President for homeland security and counterterrorism, said the cyber priorities of the administration focus on securing federal networks and data, and protecting critical infrastructure.
In national security, the rotten apples have a lot more potential to do damage than they might in, say, Agriculture or Education.
The General Services Administration and the Homeland Security Department released the first of what’s expected to be two requests for information seeking insights into how to make the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program more reactive to the burgeoning cyber market.
Tim Hurlebaus, president of CGI Federal, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to discuss key trends shaping the federal IT and services marketplace. March 14, 2017
The Office of Management and Budget’s fiscal 2016 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) report to Congress shows more agencies have stronger cyber defenses in place.
At NASA, no less than for other large organizations, operational technology systems such as rocket propulsion controls or air conditioning are becoming more automated. That means they're on the IT network, which could face potential new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Laura Nicolosi, director of mission support at the NASA office of inspector general, shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
The Internal Revenue Service is looking to continue the momentum it's gained in customer service rates, and strengthen security around sharing of taxpayer information with agency partners.
Maybe President Trump should give his 30-day cybersecurity review a little more time now.
The Defense Science Board's latest study on the state of cyber defense in the U.S. reached some worrying conclusions, both for civil infrastructure and for military capability.
A committee within the Homeland Security Department is finalizing a new guide for agencies, state and local governments and other organizations involved in cyber breaches with best practices for notifying victims.
HHS' Beth Killoran joins Federal News Radio for a free online chat where you can get live answers to how HHS is addressing priorities such as cloud computing and IT modernization.