Oracle Corp. filed a pre-award complaint with the Government Accountability Office Monday , 11 days after DoD released the final Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) solicitation.
The Department of Energy doesn’t discuss nuclear material that has been lost or stolen, nor does it appears to have relatively few accountability measures in place to deal with problems when they happen.
The military is cracking down on devices that may give up the location of troops.
The Air Force's most high performance jets are also rare birds, as only 187 F-22s were built before the program was curtailed in 2011.
GSA’s 18F organization created an ATO sprint team that streamlined the process and reduced time to complete an ATO from six-to-18 months to 30 days.
After a lackluster first year in its Cyber Direct Commissioning program, the Army is hoping a combination of higher pay and better marketing will let it attract more candidates from industry, academia.
In today's Federal Newscast, an amendment in the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act calls for investigating whether military or defense leaders found guilty of sexual assault or harassment should retain their security clearances.
Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo of Petrillo and Powell offered an update on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.