
  • We've known for several years that the Army was planning to reduce its active duty end strength from 490,000 soldiers to 450,000. Now we know exactly where those cuts will come from. While the Army says more than 30 bases will be impacted, some will be hit especially hard — Fort Benning, Georgia and Fort Hood, Texas will each lose more than 3,000 soldiers. Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska will lose 2,600. Retired Lt. Gen. Guy Swan is the vice president for education at the Association of the U.S. Army. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu what the cuts mean for soldiers and military communities.

    July 14, 2015
  • The U.S. Army wants to know how it compares to its allies and enemies so it can determine which of its fielded systems are performing comparatively well and what needs to get better. To conduct that analysis, leaders turned to the RAND corporation, which had the challenge of assessing the world's armies based entirely on open-source information — and distilling it all into a detailed, but unclassified report. John Gordon is a senior policy analyst at RAND, and one of the authors of that report: Comparing U.S. Army Systems with Foreign Counterparts. He tells In Depth guest host Jared Serbu, what the study found, and what the Army wants to get out of it.

    July 14, 2015
  • Geographic information systems and intelligence have been converging for a while now. Now nearly all forms of information are available in digital form. The challenge is integrating them. That discipline is called GEO-INT. Former Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen is now an executive vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton. As a long-time user of both geographic information and intelligence, he joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive how this data convergence is changing the intelligence landscape and even his own company.

    July 10, 2015
  • When is a subcontractor not a subcontractor? Answer: When the prime is so dependent on the sub that, in effect, the sub really is the prime. But it's not always easy to tell. That's the gist of a recent case involving an Army services contract. In this week's Legal Loop, Joe Petrillo, a partner at the law firm Petrillo and Powell, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.

    July 09, 2015
  • The Army releases an update for its Army Operating Concept. It comes from a list of 20 Army Warfighting Challenges. And the Army says both resources are critical tools to build the force it needs 25 and 50 years from now. Gen. David Perkins is commanding general of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the mission of TRADOC and how his command delivers on that mission.

    July 08, 2015
  • Women of Washington hosts Gigi Schumm and Aileen Black talk to Barbara Sisson, assistant chief of the Army Reserve.

    July 08, 2015
  • Brad Carson has been nominated as the undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness, the White House announced Tuesday. Carson is already the department’s point man in identifying a broad series of personnel reforms.

    July 08, 2015
  • U.S. Capitol Police gave the all clear at the Washington Navy Yard around 10 a.m. after an emergency call was made earlier in the morning about possible shots fired at the campus.

    July 02, 2015
  • With or without sequestration, the Pentagon has concluded there is not enough money to go around, and if it’s going to continue to perform its most vital national security tasks, some missions will have to be on the chopping block beginning in 2017.

    June 24, 2015
  • WASHINGTON (AP) — The Army reprimanded a two-star general for poor judgment in “creating the perception” of undue favoritism in the awarding of a no-bid government contract, and the military will soon decide whether he…

    June 23, 2015
  • The military is losing faith because of budget impasses. That\'s the judgement of retired Army Gen. Gordon Sullivan, president and CEO at the Association of the U.S. Army. He\'s former Chief of Staff of the Army, and is writing about the problem in The Hill newspaper. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose the problem is due to the lack of budget certainty, and the amount of money the military gets from Congress.

    June 22, 2015
  • The Army is reexamining its recruitment process. The ultimate goal is to refine the recruiting process so the service still attains top-notch soldiers without \"industrial age\" metrics that only measure raw numbers of recruits.

    June 16, 2015

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