
  • Defense Department doctrine makes clear that cyberspace is a military domain, just like air, land, space and sea. But the Navy's top cyber officer said the procurement system hasn't yet caught onto that notion.

    December 03, 2014
  • Andrew Traver, director of the National Criminal Investigative Service will bring us up to date on what's going on at the agency, and how its mission is expected to change in the future. December 5, 2014

    December 01, 2014
  • Wednesday is the five-year anniversary of the Army Corps of Engineers Veterans Curation Program. The program gives veterans a chance to learn new skills that will help them transition to civilian jobs. Jo-Ellen Darcy is assistant secretary of the Army for Civil Works. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she explained how the program started, and why they're celebrating.

    December 01, 2014
  • What are the strategic priorities for the Navy's PEO for Enterprise Information Systems? How is the Navy balancing cost with systems capability? What is the Navy's PEO EIS doing to realize greater operational effectiveness? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Victor Gavin, Program Executive Officer for Enterprise Information Systems within the U.S. Department of the Navy.

    December 01, 2014
  • While receiving therapy for a traumatic brain injury, wounded warrior discovers artistic talent he never knew he had.

    November 26, 2014
  • Former Army CIO Susan Lawrence discusses the challenges her agency faces in modernizing its network systems and the future of women in the service.

    November 26, 2014
  • The Defense Department has professed a belief in open systems architectures for years, but has had trouble translating its stated policy preferences into acquisition outcomes. A program to modernize the military's helicopters aims to change that

    November 26, 2014
  • Maureen Casey with JP Morgan Chase and Company, and the Rand Corporation's Dr. Margaret Harrell, join host Derrick Dortch to talk about a new report that looks at lessons learned from a program that helps veterans find jobs in private sector. November 21, 2014 (Encore presentation November 28, 2014)

    November 21, 2014
  • An energy inspector general investigation has found several problems with the way Sandia National Laboratories awarded billions of dollars in maintenance and operations contracts to Lockheed Martin. The IG found a lack of competition and violation of at least one important statute. In this week's legal loop, attorney Joe Petrillo of Petrillo and Powell, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Driveto explain what this investigation means for Sandia Martin.

    November 20, 2014
  • Open architecture, where the Navy isn't locked into a particular vendor forever on a particular system, gets a huge boost from Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert. The Navy has a unique chance to reshape its fleet in the coming years. Bryan Clark, senior fellow of strategic studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and former Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations and Director of the CNO's Commander's Action Group, says the driving principle behind that reshaping should be the concept of "offensive sea control." He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about what that concept looks like.

    November 19, 2014
  • The Defense Department's Better Buying Power principles are saving the Navy hundreds of millions of dollars. In one instance, the Better Buying Power approach allowed the Navy to acquire three new guided-missile destroyers because it saved a total of $300 million on the entire purchase. Nick Guertin, director of Transformation in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the future of the Navy's acquisition policy and how the BBP strategy will play a role.

    November 19, 2014
  • Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the chief of naval operations, said his service needs to pivot away from large, proprietary shipbuilding programs, citing the need for more flexible, adaptable platforms.

    November 19, 2014
  • Janet Hill, principal at Hill Family Advisors, sits down with the Women of Washington radio show to discuss the importance of diversity in American corporations and her famous Wellesley classmate - Hillary Clinton.

    November 19, 2014
  • The Navy secretary has spent more than a full year of his five-year tenure on overseas travel, racking up more than 930,000 miles on trips that cost taxpayers more than $4.7 million.

    November 18, 2014

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On DoD

WEDNESDAYS, 11 A.M. & 2 P.M.

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